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Old 10-06-2017, 12:13 AM  
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Originally Posted by CrazyMartin View Post

or look at Spain, what happened latelly?, freedom of expression?? haha

Germans behave like they behave because they have Hitler&nazizm complex...Also, don't confuse social norms and political correctness with a lack of freedom of expression...thats not the case

Spain case is kind of unique...This country is ruled by exfranquistas LOL and it has not that much in common actually with freedom and democracy (on top of that, its Kingdom, not republic)...on so many ways this country is a joke, check out for example #Ley Mordaza what they ruled 2 years ago...
Also, they have basically constitutional crisis now, that idiots in government seem to overlook and miss...What kind of idiot you have to be send riot police to voting people thinking that will resolve the problem ? LOL it will do the opposite, the opposition will get stronger and stronger...So this show well what kind of idiots rule Spain and what is their mental status :-)

It seems that various governments decided to slowly boil the frogg of personal freedoms etc.

It's your choice if you want to explain and justyficate them by saying that "in Russia or Belarus is the same", or if you want to oppose them and dont agree with regular taking away of personal freedoms etc.. I don't know about you, but my choice is the second option..

ps. as for independent judges, they are independent not only in many countries they are still independent I guess...UK, Belgium and few more come to my mind. its also long discussion. what matters most is what I wrote paragraph above :P
ps2. Russia IS WORSE than mentioned by you countries. I think that is obvious..Know about any other country where opposition leader would be regulary jailed and sanctioned ? Maybe in Africa ??? LOL wtf you talking about ?
Q: Is it true that there is freedom of speech in the Soviet Union the same as there is the USA?

A: In principle, yes. In the USA, you can stand in front of the Washington Monument in Washington, DC, and yell, "Down with Reagan!", and you will not be punished. In the Soviet Union, you can stand in the Red Square in Moscow and yell, "Down with Reagan!", and you will not be punished.

ps3. i said before - if you can't spot difference, try living in Russia if thats so OK for you. By living I mean LIVING, be politically engaged, do some NGO stuff, support Navalny or will notice the difference quickly..or even be a Russian state security officer and get banned of travelling abroad...LOL WTF you talk about ? Know about any other countries where state security officers would be banned from foreign travel ? [not super secret guys, but milions of funcionarios] WTF you talking about....Lenin called people like you "useful idiots" seem to be so critical of current system in countries where you live that you seem like all these Spanish guys walking with Che Guevara tshirts and going back from Cuba saying how wonderful this country is....LOL....I bet that you also blame for what happens in venezuela just Americans and their policies, not idiot government of Venezuela
ps4. ALSO A TIP - lay off reading Russia Today. It was created especially to produce useful idiots in masses, in thousands. That was their objective of subversion, disinformation etc.
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