Couple of things, first do you really think that you can pass a law to stop crazy ?? Cause I bet that a crazy millionaire would not have any issues finding someone to modify the guns he had, had he not been able to buy a $40 bump stock
And if you really think so, then what about a rubber band, cause I've seen youtube videos where they can do the same thing with a thick rubber band as the bump stock. You can't legislate away crazy people so stop trying !!!
Secondly, if your really concerned about the general population of where ever it is that you live, and you think passing gun laws will make you safer. Then you should also pass laws against "Big Mac's" "Whoppers" and "Coke" cause they kill like 83 times more people each year than guns, so let's focus on all the things that kill people and stop putting our heads in the sand every time some nut job falls off the wagon