Affiliates Wanted New Pick Up Artist Offer
We at Foxx Conversions excited to announce the release of our new seduction offer
This is a set of video tutorials that teaches men how to attract younger women with cutting edge content that is delivered via 100+ HD videos and weekly interviews.
The ideal target audience is men over 30 .Offer accepts adult , email traffic (CAN SPAM Compliant), banner, search, social, blog and many other forms.
This is a unique opportunity to cash in on a super high converting, brand new seduction offer.
We have a PG and Adult Funnel Available upon request
Here are the details:
*Takes Mobile and Desktop
* An easy-to-deal-with and experienced account management team to answer any questions about demographics, best traffic sources etc...
* Fast and on-time payment to keep your cash-flow ticking over.
Contact me for more information
skype kickadsmarketing