I believe everything I owe people has been delivered now (was a bit sick) so opening this back up.
Now, as a note; I will ONLY accept payment up-front now. I have had to chase up over $2,000 of payments from people on here this month, and it gets a bit frustrating since a lot of you seem to go quiet on me once you have the content. Well, after saying it is 'top quality'.
I was allowing people to pay after delivery, but it is impossible to plan income like that.
So, payment up front or please do not get in touch. You are protected through PayPal anyway. And no, no 50% payments or whatever.
If I do still owe anybody anything (I know I am sending out a couple of samples) then they will be shortly.
(yes, I know this does make me sound like somewhat of an arse hole, but you should try working almost constantly and still needing to chase up payments from people who refuse to respond to emails...)