Originally Posted by TrashyContent
By webmaster, don't you mean MINDGEEK ? Aren't they the ones coming up with this AGEID thingy... And of course teens will still want to watch porn... I had my first porn mag at 9 years old (yes I started young) and certainly always had a porn mag under my bed after that... and yes I was pre internet age...
If I was a young teen now I am sure I'd be surfing porn one way or another...
I remember when I was a schoolboy in the 1980s classmates boasting about having watched one of their cousin's VHS tape of 'Animal Farm' (not the Orwell version, judging by their descriptions).
I'm also worried that as far as I can tell, these ID checks just apply to porn, not for example websites that show gore, car crash victims and ISIS beheadings and the like. So even without considerations of the dark web, quite soon, millions of young Mohammeds in the UK instead of surfing Pornhub and discovering how stupid Islamism is for wanting to deny even the sight of uncovered female flesh, they'll be going to gore sites for their forbidden adrenalin rush and getting a hardon watching infidels having their heads cut off (while concluding that radical Islam is in fact not so different to the fundamental British cultural values of Theresa May).