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Old 02-01-2018, 06:37 AM  
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It would be incorrect to claim that Islamic terrorist attacks started with the migration crisis. In fact, in the light of history, the Islamic motivated violence (violent Jihad) never stopped since the inception of Islam in 622 AD (the year of hijra - migration to Medina as described above).

First of all, it's very important to use the correct terminology - this is not an "act of terror" in the western sense of the word. It's not a certain group wanting something in exchange for holding hostages or for threatening with more terror. This is an act of violent Jihad, entirely in line with the doctrine of Islam. The same doctrine based on which the early Caliphs attacked, conquered and subjugated their neighboring lands, spreading the Caliphate and establishing the rule of Islam.

Why the distinction - "violent" Jihad? Because not all forms of Jihad are violent.

The doctrine of Jihad ("struggle" or "struggle in the way of allah") has been sold to Westerners as a "misunderstood " concept. And it is quite true, but not in the way you may think.

A regular westerner will envision a Jihadist as somebody like the Charlie Hebdo or Bataclan assassins, as a Mujahedeen that blows himself up in a rival mosque, or as the Islamic state Jihadis conquering new territory in their Toyotas.

But this is just one part of jihad - called in the Islamic doctrine "Jihad by the sword".

There are several forms of Jihad described in the doctrine of Islam, including:

- Jihad of the heart (Jihad bis nafs)
- Jihad by the sword (Jihad bis Saif))
- Jihad by pen (Jihad bil qalam)
- Jihad by the word (Jihad bil lisan)
- Jihad by money

While the first one is rather spiritual and indeed does not extend to the Kuffir (non-Muslims) the primary goal of the other forms of Jihad is to struggle against non-muslims and to spread Islam.

Btw. if a follower of Islam claims that the "spiritual Jihad" is the only meaning of Jihad - he is purposefully silent about the rest of the doctrine - it is a form of deception.

The doctrine of Islam commands "every sane male that reaches puberty" to engage in Jihad, however Jihad is "no more obligatory as long as enough followers engage in it".

It also rewards "those that arm Jihadis the same as the Jihadis themselves". So if you want to get the highest reward of Heaven, you can either become a Jihadi yourself, or you can support one materially. This was proven to be a very smart and effective rule in order to spread Islam throughout the history.

Let's try to put together a couple of examples for better illustration:

Jihad of the heart (Jihad bis nafs)

- an example may be a follower of Islam working on his faith (for example hajj - the pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the pillars of Islam, could be considered to fall into this category), this is not much prevalent throughout the doctrine (estimated cca 2 pct. of all the verses in the doctrine related to Jihad)

Jihad by the sword (Jihad bil Saif)

This has been historically practiced either as an offensive jihad under Caliphs (first, second wave of Jihad + the conquests of the Ottoman empire) conquering territory and spreading Islam by force. Or as a defensive Jihad in case that anybody attacks Dar al Islam (the land ruled by Islam).

Ever since the last caliphate was officially terminated in 1924, there has been not so much in the way of "official" offensive Jihad, it is perpetrated mostly by various non governmental Jihadi groups.

Anyway a several examples of recent large scale application of Jihad that can be considered are for example:

- the bloody partition of India and Pakistan
- civil wars in Lebanon, Algeria, most of the Africa with Islamic presence
- the war between Iraq and Iran (Sunni vs. Shia - the Islamic republic of Iran called for defensive Jihad)
- trans national Islamic groups such as Al Qaeda, Al Shabab, Boko Haram, Taliban
- a post WW II Rohingya effort to establish an Islamic enclave inside Burma (Western Myanmar)
- Hamas and Fatah in PA - Jihad against the state of Israel
- the on going wave of Jihad coming from the Islamic communities in Europe and US

etc. etc.

Jihadi groups are present in pretty much every Islamic community around the world. Btw. I believe the recent truck using Jihadi from NYC was named Saifulo - this is a direct reference to the word Saif ("sword").

Anyway, the violent Jihad itself is not as dangerous at this point of time as the non-violent forms of Jihad. The Jihadis are, at this point of time, not likely to be strong enough to conquer the Western lands by the sword or by terror alone, therefore the relative danger is limited. One thing they already succeeded at though is to spread fear - just how many magazines re-printed the Mohammad cartoons? Zero?

They also successfully manage to bleed the Western governmental budgets on surveillance and law enforcement (unless your priority is to tackle online "hate speech" as in Sadiq Khan's London).

Anyway, if Islam would plan to take over the West in a way of migration and growing demographic share (as it is officially planned by the Muslim Brotherhood for example). And such as it is also entirely in line with the doctrine - "migration in the way of Allah", it is certainly not very smart if the Islamic communities in the West engage in violent Jihad.

But let's examine the non - violent forms of Jihad:

- Jihad by pen (Jihad bil qalam)

Various Islamic organizations work tirelessly in order to forbid and criminalize any criticism of Islam.

When was the last time you saw an open criticism of Islam in mainstream media?

Did you know that FBI, in September 2011, succumbed to the pressure from various Islamic organizations and terminated any anti-terror training materials and courses that would include the word "Islam" in it?

Who revived the "hate speech laws" to protect "religions" in UN in 1999? Well it was OIC ("the organization of Islamic cooperation")

Do you know that, for example the top Google search results for terms such as "Islam" or "Jihad" were suddenly modified in the summer last year, based on the initiative from the Texas Imam Omar Sulleyman?

And most of all - the invention of the, completely made up, and absurd term "Islamophobia" that is used to instantly shut down any criticism of Islam whatsoever (see Canadian motion 103 for a recent application).

This is btw. entirely in line with Sha'ria principle "no criticism of Islam is allowed".

Instead a positive image of Islam is spread - example - most of the recent students at the politically correct schools will definitely know about the so called Islamic "Golden age". But they may have a hard time to answer properly how did Islam spread throughout the history.

- Jihad by the word (Jihad bil lisan)

An example are these frequent "interfaith" gatherings. A Bishop, Rabbi and an Imam sit down and of course you only hear the early, Meccan verses in the Qu'ran, that we are all brothers in the Abrahamic faith, that there's no compulsion in religion, and no part of the latter, Medinan doctrine targeted against non-Muslims (that abrogates the earlier verses) is ever mentioned.

The Bishop and Rabbi don't challenge that since they are either afraid to, or more likely, they themselves know very little about the doctrine of Islam. It feels nice, yet it is again a form of deception.

- Jihad by money

Did you know that, approximately 70 pct. of the Mosques in US are supposed to be financed from Saudi Arabia?

Did you know that pretty much all the Islamic literature and services in the US and western prisons (very fertile ground for new converts) is also often donated by Saudi Arabia or Qatar?

These are just marginal examples, but anytime there's another, megalomaniac, Islamic center opened in the city near you, keep in mind that it has, according to the doctrine of Islam, also its distinct political purpose.
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