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Old 04-25-2018, 09:16 AM  
Converting like it's 1999
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Originally Posted by TheSquealer View Post
too bad democrats have absolutely nothing positive to say anymore. no vision for the future. no plans. no ideas. nothing people can rally behind except bitterness and hate.

that is the common thread
that is the recurring theme

that is all we hear about. you're losing your own base to an orange haired buffoon and rather than taking a step back, taking a breath and pulling your head out of your asses, you just keep pointing the finger and calling anyone who doesn't think like you "racist" or "xenephobe" or "heartless". you can't even tolerate ideas or beliefs different than your own anymore. anyone that says something you don't want to hear gets shouted down in the most vicious manner possible.

you've blinded yourself to the fact that your own behavior and rhetoric is now putting yourself firmly in the minority and voters are rejecting your immaturity full stop.

in the meantime, Trumps ratings climb because of you and you're behavior. economy is speeding along. stock market is booming. NK is on their knees. China is on their knees. jobs are growing at an unreal pace. jobs are coming back into the US. democrats are now even losing the black vote to Trump which is a bit surreal... and probably the most telling fact of all.

all of you fucking idiots have not said one good thing about the nation or its future since obama has left office. the truth is, you don't care. you've exposed yourselfs to being the naive, spoiled, self centered children that you are. throwing a year long temper tantrum because you didn't get what you wanted. in that time, you've just clung to anger and bitterness, name calling and whining and you just can't see that you're long time girlfriend, the liberal media has been driving you off a cliff. they told you for 8 years that Obama could do no wrong which made you feel great about yourself, today they're telling you that Trump can do no right, which validates your anger. they've even turned murderous gangbangers and cop killers into victems and you've still went along with it. you backed a white guy pretending to be black who created a movement sparked by an event where a black thug tried to murder a cop.. and even made him a victim.

it's pathetic.

it's not pathetic that you have different views than i do. it's pathetic that you can no longer think for yourselves.

Trump won. to me, that was astonishing.

YOUR PRIOR BEHAVIOR put a reality tv star in the White House.

YOUR CURRENT BEHAVIOR will keep him there for 8 years.

You said he wouldn't run.
You said he couldn't get the nomination.
You said he couldn't win.
You said he'll be impeached.... no matter how many times 15 intelligence agencies tell you he did not collude with Russia

The list goes on and on and on and on. you've never been right about a single fucking thing. more and more democrats are walking away from you.

your response? more tantrums. more name calling. more ranting and raving like 12 year old lunatics.

why not just take a step back, clear your head and start focusing on a positive future rather than ranting and raving all day long, every day about something you can't change? you fucking morons are hell bent on impeachment and destroying the country itself just because you got it wrong and didn't get what you wanted. its sad. it is a behavior which will never be a catalyst for positive change.

I grew up with dems controlling the house and senate. thanks to millineals and self entitled little shits who grew up demanding participation trophies rather than earning things through hard work... it will not happen again in my lifetime.

it's totally insane to me that you turds simply refuse to see how the ground has shifted under your feet and that democrats are now politically becoming the red headed step child. and it's all because of your insane, self entitled, "if i can't have it, no one can have it" attitude.

fuck, even Kanye West - you know "George Bush hates black people" is turning blacks and the black vote against you.
Hey look! It's common sense.

What are you doing here?

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