Originally Posted by Rochard
I read she claimed she Tweeted today "I am not a racist". Bullshit. I'm forty-nine years old and not once have I told someone they look like an ape.
Frankly, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. You can say a lot about the way Rosanne looks.
Are you talking about her dental implants? I thought they were pretty obvious too
I've compared other people to the animals they look like. Trump looks like the son of an orangutan. I have a good friend that's 65 years old at looks like an orangutan as well, the way her cheeks come down and her nose, her redish hair. Some people look like horses. Some people look like their dogs. Doing this to black folks is rightfully off limits because of how it was falsley use as a divisive tool to say they all look like that, that they are uncontrollable stupid beasts etc. to dehumanize them.
Humans evolved from primates. Some of us, very few, look like primates, it's a non race based reality. Common sense.
Despite what the alt-right wants us to believe, we have come a long way and we won't be dragged back turn evil treacherous past by a bunch of dumb fuck destitute hate trolls.