Chaturbate and Sign Ups
Seriously, I have people on my site, my users, telling me that they signed up for Chaturbate. I have mostly Tier 1 traffic on my website, followed by Tier 2 and 3. I have very little No Tier traffic.
I see the amazing screenshots above, but I'm telling you, there's something up with my sign-up stats on Chaturbate's website.
At the moment (and my website is new) 22 of my users confirmed a sign up (when I asked nicely, I put up a small SurveyMonkey).
Chaturbate says I had 334 hits. So that's (at least) 22 free sign ups out of 334 hits last week. Pretty good I'd say.
But Chaturbate only lists 2 free sign ups. Most of my traffic is Tier 1 though. Something feels bloody strange.
And, I'm actually on the rev-share program, but the sign ups should still reflect.