Originally Posted by crockett
Shell shocked Serbia has never forgotten the US bombed his house because he was pro genocide.
since 9/11 the USA has been dropping 25.000 bombs/year this comes out to a staggering 425.000 bombs dropped on other countries...no country in the world has committed even close to the amount of terrorism you guys have and you actually get angry when somebody fights back? one event does not excuse another but what the fuck did you expect?
oh and the guys who did 9/11 to you, were trained by you to do this exact thing to others because you simply can not stay the fuck home...what could possibly go wrong eh?
americans are so brainwashed that they live in an alternate reality where they are the good guys and the whole world is just begging them to invade
you are the bad guys
425.000 bombs <----bad
100.000-s of dead <----bad