Originally Posted by CurrentlySober
Yeah, I'm sure it's great for those who want it. I'm just not sure that I personally agree with it tbh...
I personally dont ignore anyone. I would feel that I was in a vacuum if EVERYONE I did not agree with 'disappeared' completely...
Remember that South Park episode, where Cartman gets 'fat shamed' and they decide to moderate his twitter account for him, so he only hears positive things? Its kinda like that to me...
That said though, if people want to 'dilute' the entire GFY experience, and turn it into their own personal little safespace, where everyone agrees with and thinks the same way as them, then that's fine - It's their business and their choice... But it's certainly not something I would use personally myself
Me personally, I find your post quite offensive.
You give a well thought out answer and not even a sniff of a poo reference.
USED to like poo.