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Old 12-23-2019, 11:04 AM  
Confirmed User
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 294

Traffic stats of my gay porn blog above.

1. Hardlink in leftside bar on this blog - $250/year or $150/6months.
The link will appear on all pages of the blog(about 5k pages)

2. Also guest blog posts available for this blog.
One do-follow link in description - $20 or $18 per post if you order 10+ posts
Two do-follow links in description - $30 or $25 per post if you order 10+ posts

Send me your pics(20 max) or small mp4 video clip(25mb max), text, link(s) with anchor(s) and if you need 1-5 hash tags.

3. I offer good size header hardlinks in many adult niches on my 12-16 years old porn network.

The cost of one link is $15/year

You order 5+ links and the cost of one link is $12/year
You order 15+ links and the cost of one link is $10/year
You order 30+ links and the cost of one link is $8/year
You order 50+ links and the cost of one link is $7/year
You order 80+ links and the cost of one link is $5/year

The payment via paxum or paypal, but +5% for paypal payments.

Send me your request for details. Welcome.

My contacts:
Email: wetall_2 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Skype: wetall22
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