Originally Posted by tayax
I believe the last column is the transaction UID, as for User ID, havent checked, how would that even be possible, since an UID is attached to an account?
If the last column is a transaction UID then my comment is irrelevant.
But if "User UID" stands for "User Unique ID" then it would be possible to see a 1-n (1 to many) relationship between unique IDs and IDs.
It is my understanding that an affiliate is not bound to a user unique ID but rather to a username (a user can have several usernames), so movement of users could be demonstrated with your data if 1 UID shows up for more than 1 affiliates. Though 58 users is probably not enough and I think those user movements are caused by broadcasters with leaking affiliate links and you might not have those in your data sample.
Originally Posted by tayax
Commissions for those 58 accounts.
That is useful, thanks for sharing.
EDIT: I don't think the last column is a transaction ID because each value would be unique. This is not the case.