Originally Posted by drexl
Banners and links in bio are only the tip of the iceberg. Imagine what goes on in a social media private conversation between a whale and a model.
Although they do it in bad faith, I wouldn't blame models for what is happening, the fact that chaturbate is letting them do it should give you a hint.
Models are now part of a business strategy to funnel customers away from Webmasters' brand. This is why sponsors have opened their affiliate programs to them with often technological marketing advantages models aren't even aware of themselves (this doesn't apply only to cb).
The Lifetime business model doesn't exist to the same extent as it used to. Imagine the webmaster's pool of customers like a reservoir. Sponsors don't want the water to grow stale (stuck in the reservoir). Instead they drill holes in the reservoirs using broadcasters/models, and many other means.
I expect a random guy to post his super stats here anytime to divert the attention from an existing problem.
PROBLEM SOLUTION: Affiliate-Customer binding should be based on user, not on username
Bind it on Credit Card print and / or customer number. Should be way enough and efficient