While it looks cool, I think it's financially ineffective and less convenient for the user.
Lets say you were doing this with your own videos and not pornhub embeds. Each time you press next, it loads the first HLS segment from Pornhub, at a weight of around 400-800kbytes. If someone skips through 30 videos before finding one they like then (assuming the middle of that range - 600kbytes) the bandwidth usage is 18mbytes vs 300kbytes in thumbs to make the same selection. Besides this, the user has to actually skip through and load the 30 videos instead of just eyeing the thumbs.
So what i'm getting at is your presentation, while cool, uses around 60x more bandwidth to accomplish the same as a traditional tube does by presenting thumbnails. When scaled up to 100k users a day, this difference is HUGE.