Originally Posted by chimpchomp01
I've been investing in automation bots for many years actually which has given me a strong reference point for projects which are going well and projects which aren't.
And to be fair, you only arranged the refund after I threatened to make a post on here about calling out a scam. Red flag? Perhaps. I am sure that the admins will have that on record also.
Have I tried to scam you, or dev haven't replied to your message?
You should be thankful, not throwing red flags, but that says more of you than of me..
I've been on a call with you, your buddy and other potential "partner", where you again sucked information, without providing any info you and we had, but trying to get his software, workers and probably money. So, I really don't know who's potential scammer here.
If you have your business up and running so great, why have you hired me? Why begged and cried for money and investors here on GFY without any proper business plan and strategy?
Dude, let's face it, you suck. You're a pure leech. Information and investment whore.
Don't have anything else to say further.
Best of luck, you're going to need it.