Originally Posted by plsureking
i don't make any budgets. the clients make the budgets. am i going to tell them i can't work for them because someone on gfy spends more?
i have clients who think $49 a month for a hosted cms is a lot. i also have clients who spend a lot more (and make a lot more).
if you want to be a service provider in adult, you can't have your nose up in the air.
Actually yes you can. And I do it all the time. I just left a $200k/yr job because I didn't like the tone VPoE had in a slack DM.
I mean sure if you are in financial need then that's different, but we're not talking about someone taking a $120 coding job because it's better than nothing and they have rent to pay soon.
But anyway, this mentality of "I shouldn't pay for a service based on market rates because I'm cheap" is pretty unique to this industry only.
So I guess, enjoy working for $15/hr programming my guy. I'll enjoy sitting on the beach in the Bahama's for a week with a fruity drink in my hand knowing that I don't have to worry or be hunched over my desk for 23.5hr a day coding to make ends meet.