Some tubes just want the traffic so they can sell ads like cam shows, dating, sex toys, boner meds, etc.
Some tubes charge fees for "premium" content similar to a member's area.
Some tubes post links to file lockers under an affiliate account so they get paid each time someone joins the file locker to download the content. The big file lockers comply with DMCA but they play whack-a-mole and have features that allow the thieves to swap links, making it appear that the content was removed.
So instead of working with producers as affiliates, the thieves decided to cut out the producers completely and just steal their content. They've seen it done for years without any punishment so monkey see...monkey do.
They will soon have the fear of waking up to a blank page without warning. It takes years to build a big tube site with lots of traffic and now they can be taken down completely with no way of redirecting the traffic, transferring or selling the domain.
Thieves post comments on here like "adapt or die". I've adapted and they can die.