Originally Posted by prnmaster
Currently 4 models - 3 Trans - 1 Male.
Pornhub - Xhamster - Xvideos.
1 Video uploaded PER model PER Site.
12 total PER day. x 7 days per week.
We provide the content, just watermark it with their website, then upload it to their repsective sites with a APPROPRIATE title and tags.
Email me onlyblackhat8(atttttt)gmail.com
Payment by WISE is preffered. Let me know your rates and I prefer you to have a brain in your head, some people manage to screw up things this simple SMH.
Hello Sir,
We sent you an email if you still need someone for this particular task. If you didn't receive, feel free to reach us out to galaxymediaweb(at)gmail(dot)com
Kind regards,
Aaron, Galaxy Media