U will basically setup the minio and copy your files to that storage server with your file naming. Then can use s3 presigned url php file as a class or function.
1. Create a file with aws s3 presigned url function. For example awss3.php, and use your credentials to create presigned url, this is the example link, and u can also search github. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-...igned-url.html
2. Include or require the awss3.php inside kvs blocks/list_videos/list_videos.php
3. Pass video id or name to as param to presigned url function to retrieve temporary link for your storage videos.
4. Adjust kvs template file to show only presigned url's for videos link and preview.
KVS, Mechbunny, API's, Elevatedx, NATS, dating sites, Symfony, Laravel, LAMP stack development.