Originally Posted by MichaelP
Thank you!
I looked to find out if they have an affiliate program, and it looks like they don't..
Anybody aware of it if they have one? txs forward
We use our code & Machines To Generate A.I.
affiliate programs for A.I. are shit.
"20 % for signups" - yeah, pal....
All your art is on
their machines - to pull in the suckers!
they don't pay you until
"a paid signup" - not even a free signup!
I've only seen very crafty & and cleverly worded affiliate programs that just use your art on their machines to bring in free traffic (
for themselves) - they don't have variety of A.I. pics - just a "static background" and a girl... - you don't get squat for bringing in "5,000 new signups."
And if the "new signups" can generate A.I. pics for themselves - why should they "pay", when the limited edition free signups generate just as good pics - free.
These jokers can't generate what you do, and use YOUR art to get free traffic.
We are on onion and are independent of "the internet".
We keep 100% of what we make. ( Crypto ) - no "middlemen".
If we find "anything" we'll try to post it here!