Originally Posted by VizerCato
she's hot as hell, even with blonde hair (I can overlook minor deficiencies). but as a customer I'd get bored quick if she didn't engage with her audience
blame the 90's for imprinting heroin chic on me or something, I am attracted to lanky, fit, skinny women and eating is a sin. but male or female they need to have something to say. that's my thing
Originally Posted by VizerCato
And this is the type of body men like best, the one that drives the most engagement:
which men? you understand one of the beautiful parts of camming is that there are women and men who fit the particular tastes of their entire user base. in my experience Germans, Brits, northern US'ers and eastern CA'ers love slender and saucy
southern US'ers and other regions with wealth love curves
thin, fat-skinny, zaftig (excellent scabble word if you can hit a triple word score) or obese. on the dude side, buff vs dad bod and no doubt a lot in between. something for everyone. the sites aren't gonna automatically cater to your aesthetic in their promo tools
Originally Posted by VizerCato
Yes. This is why I suspect the algorithm parameters are being set by a woman on CB's staff. Because they seem to be actively selecting against the type of body that is most appealing naturally to their userbase. It's all studios and models that would appeal to a woman's idea of hot
Now you might like this fact, or you might not like it, I understand some realities are coarse, but it is what it is.
it kinda seems like you want sites to conform to your idea of 'hot'. if you liked thinner ladies you'd blame women behind the scenes for pushing an algo about 'body acceptance/positivity' or something
if you push great traffic ask the sites you promote to have tags you can filter based on skinny/fit/curvy/BBW etc
as far as the public show stuff, that is the norm on token sites. if you don't like it, don't promote those sites
Originally Posted by VizerCato
You don't understand the point I was making...
My beef is not with models pushing for conversions. I had good conversions working with models that were very aggressive at promoting their affiliate link because my traffic would sign up listening to their spiel but they had my cookie first. So the signups were credited to me...This was before Chaturbate eliminated affiliate links from model's bios, now it's a different story as they don't push viewers to sign up like they used to
I understand you. so you're upset the performers who fit/don't fit your body type don't do the work for you?
Originally Posted by VizerCato
Models can have any attitude and body type they want and make it work. There is a spender for each model... some men prefer stick thin women or dominatrix type of shows or whatever. The point I am making is NOT EVERY MODEL converts at the same rate and the models Chaturbate are featuring SUCK BALLS for this particular purpose. If you are optimizing your promo tools to drive traffic and conversions you would want to feature the type of model that would actually make that happen. I can't convert traffic with a dildo in a vagina or Miss Twiggy over there. They are probably fantastic people and make great models for their own audience, they don't appeal to the general public like a natural woman with a "chubby" body and an amateur feel would.
so your problem to solve, gotcha
good luck man, zero sarcasm