Originally Posted by emmasexytime
Who is paying them to do all the dmca's? If you can get them to dmca some words then you will find who is behind it
DMCA companies are often hired by porn companies or pornstars/models.
There is a big problem right now with Onlyfans content being claimed as other content (for example if a model worked for Brazzers, the DMCA agency and herself will claim that is she owns the likeness to the Brazzers content but the link they will use in the Google complaint is often a link to their Onlyfans page).
Plus, go to any adult trade show and you'll see quite a bit of DMCA companies promising models that they will remove any infringing content from the internet. The problem is that this sounds good on paper but in reality, a ton of legit affiliates get caught in the mix and are now having to spend more and more time countering false DMCA filings.
It's incredibly easy for sketchy DMCA companies to be setup overnight with a bootstrapped website and they just straight up contact all kinds of models on fan sites, tube sites, webcam sites, you name it.
So to that I say, yea good luck to fighting that beast, there's a lot of money in dishonesty.