Originally Posted by Captcha
If you are legit, counter all of them
fight the good fight.
Originally Posted by mechanicvirus
So far I've had 100% reinstatement rate, but I also CC every paysite owner, DMCA agency and sometimes the model on the DMCA complaint.
Hasn't stopped the false filings but certainly takes wind out of the next step of the process which google says is to get the courts involved. Weird that DMCA companies say they are within their legal rights but never act upon it.
Yep, it's weird, I think there is an issue with their operation when; the model hired them, and when we counter and Google ask ID, and court filling needs to be involved ( UNDER RECORD ) my guess is the model refused to provide id to keep their privacy. no one wants their name in the court document. Possibly why it stop there ? I don't know but its working for now LOL.