Originally Posted by Mr Pheer
That's not the way anymore. Claude has projects and can help you build complex apps. The one I'm currently working on has 18 files, the largest being 756 lines. I've nearly eliminated the timeouts with smarter planning and keepings the chats as small as possible. And when I do get timed out, I upload the files to an identical 2nd account and most of the time I can simply keep going, although not in every case... sometimes I have to wait it out but that is getting more rare. Cost me an extra $20 but so what it's probably the best $40/monthly total that I've ever spent.
Watch your inbox here for a dm from me in a few minutes.
You're smarter than the average user but when I was just starting out I got rid of all of the hiccups by breaking scripts down into multiple parts and running them sequentially so I could debug every single piece without affecting the rest. Then I asked it to combine them and it did it fine for the most.
"Make a script that takes this data and formats it like this, saves it in a folder names xxx and gives me a results.txt with how many were processed."
Then "I have a script that uses x data and gives me output files that look like _________. Make a script that will process every file in that folder, use the data to populate a csv for Wordpress imports and pull all images from folder y. They are named the same as z line for each item in the output file."
And on and on.
People sleeping on this still with so many telling them to not is mind blowing to me.