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Old 12-20-2012, 09:23 PM   #1
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Camera Speed Traps ... Do you have them where you live?

I travel frequently, and have certain communities I call home.
If you live long enough somewhere, and keep you eyes open, you know where the police like to park themselves, looking for violators, and you learn were all the cameras are set up.

Knowing the law enough, I have been able to get out of every camera based ticket issued. Sometimes its as simple as "ignoring" the ticket altogether when it comes in the mail.

Currently in Southern California, I have been making the rounds, and noticed that cameras, wherever they used to be, simply aren't any longer. I am more than happy to see these things gone.

Do you have them where you live? Does the city own them, or some 3rd party company offering a rev share with local officials? What's you opinion about having them, essentially replacing the need for a police officer witnessing your supposed violation, and personally issuing you the citation?
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Old 12-20-2012, 09:29 PM   #2
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I got one during Phoenix Forum in 2002 or so. I ran a light.

This was when the camera ticket system was rather new, and they weren't hooked up to government databases. Back then if you got a ticket they sent you a notice, expecting you to pay - but if you didn't pay nothing happens. I never paid the ticket.

Here's the photo they took:

I think these are horrible. It's a lame way to enforce the law.
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Old 12-20-2012, 09:36 PM   #3
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Imagine running down to the store. You do a California-stop at a stop sign with a camera, speed past another camera by the store, speed past same camera on way back, do another rolling stop in front of another camera, arrive home and drink your beer.

Then 10 days later you receive notice you no longer have a license and owe fines on 4 tickets.

The worst thing is most of those systems were privately owned and operated with a % of the fine going to local police.
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Old 12-20-2012, 09:41 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Rochard View Post
I got one during Phoenix Forum in 2002 or so. I ran a light.
I think these are horrible. It's a lame way to enforce the law.
Merry Christmas Richard.

TPF. Wow memories from there. 3-4 years ago Phoenix was loaded with those cameras everywhere. I chose to drive in from CA, and was running very late. Speeding in excess of anything considered safe, I crossed in AZ on HWY 10 in the middle of the night.

I counted no less than 10 police SUVs stationed alongside the HWY between the border and Phoenix. I seriously expected about 2000 USD in tickets were going to be mailed to the registered owner address.

Someone told me, not sure if its true, but out-of-state violators require personal service.
It may help, that reg owner/address and driver/address would be difficult to match. Either way, "Oh what a relief".
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Old 12-20-2012, 09:53 PM   #5
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We have fixed red light and speed then we have mobile ones that move around in the back of a van then we have cops with speed guns all over too

Ive had one from a mobile for speeding
ive got a ticket from a cop on a bicycle for no seat belt
ive got a speeding ticket from a cop with a speed gun

and im probably going to loose my licence for going throw a corner red light
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Old 12-20-2012, 09:55 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by L-Pink View Post
Imagine running down to the store. You do a California-stop at a stop sign with a camera, speed past another camera by the store, speed past same camera on way back, do another rolling stop in front of another camera, arrive home and drink your beer.

Then 10 days later you receive notice you no longer have a license and owe fines on 4 tickets.

The worst thing is most of those systems were privately owned and operated with a % of the fine going to local police.
No shit. I remember one Phoenix Forum that I had driven to the airport to pick someone up. On the way back I noticed the sign saying they had cameras set up; I had driven past them several times before I noticed. I was freaking out as to what I might come home to, but lucked out, no tix.
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Old 12-20-2012, 10:00 PM   #7
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Got a nice 95 dollar ticket in the mail , for 45 on a off ramp into a town where it wasn't posted...

looked it up on the internet more than 11k travelers got the same ticket the same day they put the cameras in , everyone in the community are taking different routes and vow not to shop or goto that town anymore.

Last edited by 24/7 Blogging Crew; 12-20-2012 at 10:01 PM..
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Old 12-20-2012, 10:06 PM   #8
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wow ummmmmmmmmmmmmm
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Old 12-21-2012, 02:59 AM   #9
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in the netherlands speed camera's are all over the place, but you can drive past them with 300 KM/H and you will still only get a ticket. in order to loose your drivers license you must be caught by a real policeman
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Old 12-21-2012, 03:05 AM   #10
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Old 12-21-2012, 03:35 AM   #11
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Yes and they take better pictures than you
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