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Old 10-22-2012, 08:51 AM   #1
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Marketing / SEO-Expert


searching for a capable Marketing / SEO-Expert, who can design a member site with adult content, and market it.

Please do not contact me if you are searching for a budget, or if you're an SEO-Expert working with a monthly budget. I've been scammed by about 5 different SEO-Experts, the greatest achievement was 2 sign-ups (after months of waiting and payments).

My current partner is marketing vubado.com , as well as realrussians.com

He didn't charge me a cent, but is generating a small revenue every month. He is doing nothing but to upload preview videos to well-known tube sites (such as xhamster.com).

I'm sure that with the right approach, the results could be a lot better (tube traffic could easily be the worst traffic of all, e.g. why are well-known porn stars such as Peter North, Rocco Siffredi, Pierre Woodman avoiding the tube sites completely?) .

My content generated a Revenue of 250.000 US-$ last year, across different countries and websites. That's a good argument for the content having Potential.

Once again please do not contact if you're searching for an investment, or work for a monthly salary.

You need to have a specific plan on how to generate thousands, better yet tenthousand of Visitors daily (would be better if you already succeeded in generating that traffic).

My Skype ID is: freewayrick2
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Old 10-22-2012, 10:38 AM   #2
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Way too many scammers is right! Try your best to learn SEO yourself and minimise your risk.
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Old 10-22-2012, 11:54 AM   #3
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Lol,if you generated such revenue,then you can afford to risk with seo experts.But yes due to constant new changes of google it's hard to provide desired results these days.
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Old 10-22-2012, 01:48 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by KlenTelaris View Post
Lol,if you generated such revenue,then you can afford to risk with seo experts.
That's just another way of saying let's be communists.

According to you, I don't have to pay the capable SEO-Expert, I can "afford to risk" it with SEO-Experts who don't provide any results. So If I follow your suggestion (which thankfully I'm not), why would anybody even care about achieving a result?

When nobody cares about achieving a result, that is the definition of Communism.

Originally Posted by KlenTelaris View Post
But yes due to constant new changes of google it's hard to provide desired results these days.
Of course. That's why ManWin (which clearly is an SEO-Company) has become the most powerful Company in the entire Adult Movie Business, during the last years...precisely because of new changes in google.

Way to make cheap excuses for not being able to cut it.

But I don't even mean to criticize you. It's just completely unfair when certain SEO-guys charge 4-digit sums, promise me 100.000 Uniques per day, and actually never even reach 1000.

If you can't achieve results, don't ask for money...it's that simple. I can't afford to pay anybody who doesn't achieve results (and neither does anybody else in a Capitalistic System).

But may be you do believe in communism. May be you and some of the SEO-Experts are actually agents of Fidel Castro. On a mission to suppress filthy Porn, the symbol of Western Countries. What they do is they act as SEO-Experts, take the money from people who want to start a porn site, and run. Thereby they succeed to suppress as many new porn sites as possible.

Yeah actually now it all makes sense...Fidel Castro has always been a Genius. I salute Fidel Castro and each and every SEO-Expert who succeeded to generate less than 1000 uniques daily, and still took money for it.
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Old 10-24-2012, 01:50 AM   #5
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You're an idiot.

You want some one to build you a site for free, market it at their expense and split the profit with you? The market says GoFuckYourself(.com) & quit begging for free work.

Here's some advise, focus on learning affiliate protocol such as traffic tracking and buys first. If you want a consultation on HOW TO DO IT. You can either buy my book when it becomes available or book a consultation with me regarding the manner.

In true capitalist form, I'll sell you SEO guidelines and more proven techniques at the low cost of $100 a page. If you can't afford a 10 page write up, buy 2 pages and imagine the rest. It's 2012, people aren't scared of communist anymore.
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Old 10-24-2012, 01:57 AM   #6
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This company has Angry Birds as a client. I've personally met the owner Jared and a bunch of great guys that work with him. They have a classy office and are totally legit. They specialize in SEO and traffic, the more you invest - the more traffic you acquire.
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Old 10-24-2012, 05:40 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by iFREAKNiK View Post
You're an idiot.

You want some one to build you a site for free,
Not necessarily, but at least these expenses should be shared 50/50.

At least my current partner designed the site for free. Why did he manage to do it???

Why is he generating several thousand uniques per day, without an "investment" (usually the word investment means that you actually get something back, not true in many SEO-related cases) or a monthly salary?

Originally Posted by iFREAKNiK View Post
market it at their expense and split the profit with you?
Yes, that's what any affiliate program in the world does. When you market a product, you get paid a % for that.

That's exactly what is already happening, since I already partnered up with a guy for realrussians.com and vubado.com

I'd just add that there are no "expenses" in that case, because he is using free traffic from Tube sites.

Using Free Traffic from Tube Sites is a good start. But you would expect with geniuses like you around, that somebody has a better idea, or a different idea.

Originally Posted by iFREAKNiK View Post

The market says GoFuckYourself(.com) & quit begging for free work.
I never begged anybody to work for free. I'm just tired of being scammed. Nobody is expected to work for free. The problem is, guys like you expect to be paid for nothing.

Originally Posted by iFREAKNiK View Post
Here's some advise
I don't need your consultation, thanks. I don't need advise from you or anybody else. If you know how to market an adult website, there might be an opportunity here. If you don't like it, fine. There is no need to consult anybody.

There is not even a need to tell me what you're doing. The results (or lack of results) can be clearly measured. There is a program called Google Analytics, I'm not sure if you ever heard of that...

I bet you couldn't even generate 1000 unique visitors, if I had a new site designed.

And if you can do that, why not prove me wrong? Register a domain, get 10.000 Uniques per day, take screenshots of Google Analytics, post it here. Where lies the problem with that??? If you need content, I'll provide it for free.

That should be an easy exercise for a world-renown expert like you, correct?

Why not do it? Too busy selling your scam...em sorry I meant E-book?

You're telling me that I should buy your useless information (for 1000 US-$?, is that supposed to be a joke? Strange, even the best books about business or other topics will rarely cost more than 50$. But your worthless shit is supposed to cost 1000 US-$???) , while you're not even able to generate 1000-10.000 Unique visitors per day?

It's absolutely obvious that your Info isn't worth a single cent.

You are a scam and nothing but a scam.

You are like a musician, that failed to sell his or her music. And now offers "advise" on how to make it in the music industry.

Just so that an obvious crackhead like you understands it:

You're supposed to be successful at marketing websites first, and then sell the info about it. Not the other way around.

Originally Posted by iFREAKNiK View Post

In true capitalist form, I'll sell you SEO guidelines and more proven techniques at the low cost of $100 a page. If you can't afford a 10 page write up, buy 2 pages and imagine the rest. It's 2012, people aren't scared of communist anymore.
Oh, your in the business of selling E-books. I'm sure none of these E-Book Sellers are scams. Not one of them...I'm just being an idiot.

I have a question, which is, why aren't employees of ManWin selling any information here on gfy.com? I'm sure you know that ManWin is a successful SEO-Company?

Oh, I understand. In comparison with your info, the info that they have is completely worthless. That's why they're not out here (or anywhere else, for that matter) selling their info!

Originally Posted by iFREAKNiK View Post

This company has Angry Birds as a client.
What the hell is Angry Birds???????

Are you referring to angrybirds.com ????

An Online Game (or whatever that's supposed to be)???

You can't be serious, right?

What does this have to do with marketing a porn site????

Get off crack now, before it is too late!!!!

Originally Posted by iFREAKNiK View Post
I've personally met the owner Jared and a bunch of great guys that work with him. They have a classy office and are totally legit.
Yeah that's really what I'm looking for, a company that has a "classy office" and is "totally legit".

You personally met a person named Jared. Wow I'm really Impressed. Hey, can I invest about 100.000$ in your greatness and your smart ideas? You don't even have to open a business or start a fund. It's just really fantastic that you actually did meet somebody in person. Yeah, that really helps with SEO and all...

I know its off-topic, but would you accept being the CEO of Ford, or any other Major Corporation? I mean, after all you met Jared...that should qualify you...right?

Originally Posted by iFREAKNiK View Post
They specialize in SEO and traffic, the more you invest - the more traffic you acquire.
Wow, you really just revolutionized the world of SEO! Congratulations, by the way.

The more you invest, the more traffic you acquire. Yeah, I've really been waiting for that idea! Thanks!

What about traffic traders like trafficholder.com? They're all obsolete now, because you just happen to recommend truevertical.com?

But really, I'm the idiot, it's not you that's the idiot.

What exactly did you achieve in this business?? Any big websites you did SEO for? And don't tell me that selling 10 pages of useless information is a business. That's not a business, that's a scam.

And please do stop smoking crack. Your posting totally proves that the resulting Brain Damage is extremely serious.
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Old 10-27-2012, 02:53 PM   #8
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Best fake nick troll ever! Funny thread. Made my Saturday!
Yes, fewer illegal immigrants working equates to more job opportunities for American citizens.

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