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Scott McD 06-23-2016 02:37 PM

Britain = Pussies
Looks like "Remain" has it even this early.

Let's all bend over for the EU for the rest of our days. Good times!

I'm not even gonna sit up and watch the results come in. I'll sleep and wake up in the morning and say "oh yey we are still in the EU. Just great"


GFED 06-23-2016 02:38 PM

Yes, market action today suggests that Britain will be remaining in the EU.

wehateporn 06-23-2016 02:42 PM

Rigged 8char

ilnjscb 06-23-2016 02:43 PM

where are you reading that?

Rochard 06-23-2016 02:46 PM

While still part of the EU, it seems like England beat to it's down drum.

I haven't read much about this, but what is bad about being in the EU? And what would be the benefits of the UK leaving?

Helix 06-23-2016 02:46 PM

Globalism is a huge mistake.

Paul&John 06-23-2016 02:48 PM

Interesting how can be such a major thing end up with almost a tie

j3rkules 06-23-2016 02:52 PM

It was predictable.

Scott McD 06-23-2016 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by ilnjscb (Post 20983708)
where are you reading that?

Check out Sky News. Even Farage has said "it's looking like a Remain win".

AnimeFevers 06-23-2016 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 20983726)
While still part of the EU, it seems like England beat to it's down drum.

I haven't read much about this, but what is bad about being in the EU? And what would be the benefits of the UK leaving?

Experts all say it's better to stay, better for the economy etc...

nico-t 06-23-2016 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Paul&John (Post 20983735)
Interesting how can be such a major thing end up with almost a tie

Never underestimate the power of brainwashing. Still large portions of people believe anything the media tells them.

romeo22 06-23-2016 02:59 PM

Eu sucks so better Uk stay far from shithole union

Sarn 06-23-2016 03:02 PM

do not cry
arbeit macht frei

nico-t 06-23-2016 03:04 PM

just put on BBC, some fat toad is spewing pro EU shit. This fucking shill is talking pure nonsense with a smug look on his face knowing Remain probably will win. You served your EU masters well, you traitor.

nico-t 06-23-2016 03:06 PM

And fuck David Cameron, he has been pushing lies and propaganda 24/7, and that is your leader... he is exactly like our prime minister who is also a EU bitch spewing propaganda. This is proof the EU monster has way too much power. Lets hope Leave will still win.

nico-t 06-23-2016 03:09 PM

BBC: "We need to get back together behind David Cameron..."

It's like these people live in another dimension.

Jigster715 06-23-2016 03:15 PM

Enjoy slavery.

CaptainHowdy 06-23-2016 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sarn (Post 20983762)
do not cry
arbeit macht frei

:1orglaugh :1orglaugh ...

Barry-xlovecam 06-23-2016 03:16 PM

That was the betting line today -- the odds favored 'remain'.

femdomdestiny 06-23-2016 03:19 PM

Fuck,I was hoping that UK will go out

clickity click 06-23-2016 03:29 PM

I voted leave however I feel I am in the minority. No doubt the results will be fixed anyway.

noshit 06-23-2016 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Helix (Post 20983729)
Globalism is a huge mistake.

Look on the bright side... You will be able to live in a glass house with no doors..!


noshit 06-23-2016 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Scott McD (Post 20983687)
Britain = Pussies


Pussies? I prefer Redcoats, much broader ...And they can all keep their mindset and methods Away From USA..!


redwhiteandblue 06-23-2016 03:43 PM

It's not over until the fat lady sings.

xXXtesy10 06-23-2016 03:54 PM

why UK want be part of euro trash still?

ilnjscb 06-23-2016 03:56 PM

We apparently won't know until 7am GMT

DraX 06-23-2016 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Scott McD (Post 20983687)
Looks like "Remain" has it even this early.

Let's all bend over for the EU for the rest of our days. Good times!

I'm not even gonna sit up and watch the results come in. I'll sleep and wake up in the morning and say "oh yey we are still in the EU. Just great"


I feel this was the last chance to make a stand. A message to the EU establishment telling them that everything is far from OKAY, we do not like where this is going.

I guess the scare campaigns worked and the hoards of majority of lemmings believe whatever message is presented.

Lets see, maybe something divine can change things around this night of disappointment.

ilnjscb 06-23-2016 03:59 PM

Well, that escalated quickly:

Remain a member of the European Union
Leave the European Union

redwhiteandblue 06-23-2016 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 20983726)
I haven't read much about this, but what is bad about being in the EU? And what would be the benefits of the UK leaving?

I don't know where you live, but how would you like:

Your laws to be set by unelected bureaucrats in a different country that you have absolutely no say over;
You are not allowed to put any restrictions on the people coming into your country, so your population grows by the size of a large city every year, putting strain on housing, schools, hospitals, transport, etc;
Those people are allowed to come and claim in-work benefits and send those benefits back to their families in the countries they came from;
You cannot grow your economy by setting up free trade agreements with other countries, you have to wait for the EU to do them and they take years, decades even, to get these trade deals. So far they've only managed Mexico and South Korea and lots of small insignificant countries.
You have to pay in about £18bn ($27bn) a year into the EU, and they give some of it back but they tell you what you must spend it on and you must advertise the fact that it was done with "EU money" when it was in fact your own money.

That's just for starters. I haven't even gone into the Common Agricultural Policy, the Common Fisheries Policy, the state of the Italian banks, the almost non-existent growth, I could go on.

DraX 06-23-2016 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by nico-t (Post 20983780)
And fuck David Cameron, he has been pushing lies and propaganda 24/7, and that is your leader... he is exactly like our prime minister who is also a EU bitch spewing propaganda. This is proof the EU monster has way too much power. Lets hope Leave will still win.

I'm also provoked by the daily lies we are supposed to suck up. Like I said before Europe is half a shit hole turning into a whole one and the elite wants it that way. They don't care about minority numbers or the little man on the street. EU could have been a really awesome project but instead....is lobbied and changed according to highest bidder. Think about all the money that is drained from the U.K., germany and all the other countries just in immigration politics, scary.

Instead of making europe a place with strong education, harmonic people, low crime, focus on jobs.... we drift more and more towards chaos.

I'm sure the regular pothead on the street doesn't care, but I do.

redwhiteandblue 06-23-2016 04:20 PM

Two results from the North East of England showing a stronger vote for "leave" than expected.

mozadek 06-23-2016 04:27 PM

Does this mean more terrorists will be coming to the UK to shoot people up?

Adzvertise 06-23-2016 04:28 PM

Brexit Referendum Betting Odds | Oddschecker

It was massively favoring the remain result but in the past 1 - 2 hours, it`s becoming much much closer. This could be interesting. :)

dyna mo 06-23-2016 04:33 PM

Confirmed: John Oliver is a pussy.

Scott McD 06-23-2016 04:33 PM

Huge "Leave" win in Sunderland. Sadly won't be enough in the end though...

Hannes 06-23-2016 04:36 PM

this was probably gonna happen from the start anyway

Struggle4Bucks 06-23-2016 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by redwhiteandblue (Post 20983870)
Your laws to be set by unelected bureaucrats in a different country that you have absolutely no say over;

- a nationalistic emotional non-argument. Stop feeling British... start feeling European.:)
- not even all true. Laws are set up by European Parliament... which is elected by the people of the Union every 5 years. So next time there is an election you COULD go vote.... but you know... most people stay at home... including me... but that's a different story.

BTW you also have no say in laws that are created in your own country. You can vote every few years... yeah... woot woot... When they are sitting there in power they can do whatever they like and create all sorts of laws you will or will not agree with.


Originally Posted by redwhiteandblue (Post 20983870)
You are not allowed to put any restrictions on the people coming into your country, so your population grows by the size of a large city every year, putting strain on housing, schools, hospitals, transport, etc;

Growth is good... People stimulate the economy; pay for a growing group of pensioners; etc...You are free to go and live in for example Poland if you like? There is also no restriction for you to do that...

The market should fix pressure on housing- and other markets. If this doesn't happen look at the parties who gain from that... could well be a case of price manipulation.


Originally Posted by redwhiteandblue (Post 20983870)
You cannot grow your economy by setting up free trade agreements with other countries, you have to wait for the EU to do them and they take years, decades even, to get these trade deals. So far they've only managed Mexico and South Korea and lots of small insignificant countries.
You have to pay in about £18bn ($27bn) a year into the EU, and they give some of it back but they tell you what you must spend it on and you must advertise the fact that it was done with "EU money" when it was in fact your own money.

That's just for starters. I haven't even gone into the Common Agricultural Policy, the Common Fisheries Policy, the state of the Italian banks, the almost non-existent growth, I could go on.

Your Economy is the European economy... If you're in it together then you're in it together... Then stop pointing at the others because really: they aren't the others... they are your brothers.

Yes the EU is a failed project... Could have been a huge great powerfull project...
The reason why it failed is not because soevereign states gave their soevereignity away... but because they gave away too little and people still think in terms of the "others". When shit started to get serious people backed off... resisted further implementation... basically because of nationalistic emotions. Fear of losing soevereignity while it would be replaced by another soevereignity: the EU.

People used to be governed by Kings, Queens and God. God died and with it died the devine powers of Kings and Queens which were to believed to rule in the name of God.
Some new trick had to be implemented. They came up with Democracy and the Nation State. Nationalities where literally CREATED. People didn't feel "German" back in 1750... or Italian or Dutch or whatever. It was created because if you can't rule a people in the name of God'; if they no longer feel they are God's horde... you will have to create a new horde... a common history; common language; common culture; a flag; a national anthem; voila...

So... what tells us about the current situation of Europe? That people still want to be governed based on their nationalities... The EU came a little too early I think...

Saying that European bureaucrats made the EU fail is too easy I think...
I think the peoples of Europe suffer from a lack of vision; are scared to step outside their village and face today's world and don't want to look at the future...

The failed EU-project shows that democracy is outdated...
Democracy doesn't supply Leaders. Democracy suplies: a mess of mediocrity
No... not a lack of democracy made the EU fail... and EU's problem was not a lack of democracy. Democracy itself made it fail.

RummyBoy 06-23-2016 06:24 PM

LEAVE has the advantage at this stage.

Gold is up 1.6%

GBP/USD has fell from 1.50 to 1.40 but has recovered a bit.

It's very early, there'll be much more support for REMAIN on the south side.

noshit 06-23-2016 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by DraX (Post 20983861)

I guess the scare campaigns worked and the hoards of majority of lemmings believe whatever message is presented.

No, they didn't work. Your owners determined it...
No have no chance but revolution..!
...good luck with that ...WHAT with all your 6.6 guns per 100 residents and stuff


Barry-xlovecam 06-23-2016 07:12 PM

Soros just made millions selling the GBP

The golabalists never lose.

UK sales are strong in the last 24 hrs. Get those cam credits while the GBP is worth something ...

just a punk 06-23-2016 07:25 PM

I still remember the Soviet Union. So good luck with the European one :)

Adzvertise 06-23-2016 07:37 PM

Brexit Referendum Betting Odds | Oddschecker

Massive odds swing. A few hours ago you could have got 15/2 on a leave vote. Now as short as 1/4. Still a way to go but we may well be giving the .EU the middle finger.

GFED 06-23-2016 07:45 PM

a lot of volatility right now...
thinkorswim Sharing

redwhiteandblue 06-23-2016 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Struggle4Bucks (Post 20984059)
- a nationalistic emotional non-argument. Stop feeling British... start feeling European.:)

The trouble with that is, you can't leave emotions out of the argument because we are not machines, we are not slaves, we are human beings and we have emotions and we act on them. Always have done, always will. We are social creatures and need a sense of belonging to something, and I think that the nation state is about the right system to feel a belonging to, not a federalist superstate.

redwhiteandblue 06-23-2016 08:23 PM

Anyway, looks like we're LEAVING the EU!

Barry-xlovecam 06-23-2016 09:04 PM

-5 GMT

4:10 a.m.

British pound tumbles to a 31-year low as EU vote results show the ‘leave’ side in lead by over 400,000 votes after 244 of 382 counting centers report results.

1.35697 -0.12298 (-8.31%)

2016-06-23 23:58:53, 0 min delay

Have a nice currency crash Brits!

US$ gained 4.2% today
Gold will crash next maybe as the BOE starts selling it to buy GBP to support the market price for GBP.

ilnjscb 06-23-2016 09:08 PM

Goddammit what is going on? Some headlines saying remain wins, some saying leave - who won, who is winning?

Tasty1 06-23-2016 09:08 PM

Now the .eu will try to force England to do things they don't want. Trade blocks and more. So it is time more countries show support for England and start referenda.

Bladewire 06-23-2016 09:10 PM

Time to take a vacation to Britain :thumbsup

GFED 06-23-2016 09:16 PM

Swexit and Grexit next.

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