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NewNick 10-10-2017 02:12 AM

At last proof that the CIA planned 9/11

ilnjscb 10-10-2017 03:27 AM

Wait so do you believe the CIA planned 9/11? But the CIA is against Trump? Please clarify.

NewNick 10-10-2017 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by ilnjscb (Post 22031275)
Wait so do you believe the CIA planned 9/11? But the CIA is against Trump? Please clarify.

Trump ?


wehateporn 10-10-2017 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by ilnjscb (Post 22031275)
Wait so do you believe the CIA planned 9/11? But the CIA is against Trump? Please clarify.

9/11 was more Zionist than Globalist, whereas CIA is mostly Globalist :2 cents:

Rochard 10-10-2017 09:18 AM

Well this is proof positive. A short movie about three actors talking in a poorly lit room.

I'm convinced.

Ferus 10-10-2017 09:25 AM

Im sure the People that lost familymembers on 9/11 share the amusement

crockett 10-10-2017 09:50 AM

You convinced me...

Paul Markham 10-10-2017 10:00 AM

Well there you have it. Conclusive proof at last.

crockett 10-10-2017 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Ferus (Post 22031535)
Im sure the People that lost familymembers on 9/11 share the amusement

Just like the family members share the amusement about all the nutters claiming the US govt did it.

ilnjscb 10-11-2017 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 22031529)
Well this is proof positive. A short movie about three actors talking in a poorly lit room.

I'm convinced.


Markul 10-11-2017 10:11 AM

Whenever someone tries to prove something with a YouTube video I laugh in their general direction.

wehateporn 10-11-2017 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Markul (Post 22032891)
Whenever someone tries to prove something with a YouTube video I laugh in their general direction.

Me too :thumbsup

DukeSkywalker 10-11-2017 10:41 AM

There was thermite found at the scene. Molten metal burning for a month in the basement? Lmao. No thermite here folks, move along.

The existance of thermite is proof positive.

DukeSkywalker 10-11-2017 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Ferus (Post 22031535)
Im sure the People that lost familymembers on 9/11 share the amusement

Appeal to emotion. Look at the facts.

magneto664 10-11-2017 10:58 AM

CIA planed 9/11 - confirmed
Earth is flat- confirmed
Clinton is deadly sick and she will die in 2016 - CONFIRMED
masturbation make you blind - confirmed.
you have maybe something about last LV shooting? inside job/ false flag?

wehateporn 10-11-2017 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by magneto664 (Post 22032939)
Mossad planed 9/11 - confirmed
Earth is flat- nope
Clinton is deadly sick and she will die in 2016 - nope
masturbation make you blind - nope.
you have maybe something about last LV shooting? inside job/ false flag? confirmed

Fixed it

Ferus 10-11-2017 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by DukeSkywalker (Post 22032931)
Appeal to emotion. Look at the facts.

My comment was in relation to the youtube clip trying to add humor to a disaster. I am very aware of a lot of the elements of the 9/11 lies. But making it into a disgusting wannabe joke on youtube server no-ones cause - exept maybe those of the US government.

RandyRandy 10-11-2017 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by magneto664 (Post 22032939)
masturbation make you blind

I disprove that theory everyday. Sometimes more than once a day, just because.

NewNick 10-11-2017 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by wehateporn (Post 22031523)
9/11 was more Zionist than Globalist, whereas CIA is mostly Globalist :2 cents:

You off your meds again ?

thommy 10-11-2017 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ferus (Post 22032981)
My comment was in relation to the youtube clip trying to add humor to a disaster. I am very aware of a lot of the elements of the 9/11 lies. But making it into a disgusting wannabe joke on youtube server no-ones cause - exept maybe those of the US government.

they did not add humor in the disaster they add some humor at the poor lost souls what can not believe that things can happen without any conspiracy

thommy 10-11-2017 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by NewNick (Post 22033011)
You off your meds again ?

did you not know that ISIS and al kaida are camouflaged zionist groups ?
same as the guy who drove into the group of protesters - he was a camouflaged antifa activist.

.....let the poor people who canīt buy a TV enjoy their head cinema.

NewNick 10-11-2017 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ferus (Post 22031535)
Im sure the People that lost familymembers on 9/11 share the amusement

The video mocks the halfwit truthers.

You know the ones who will believe any explanation except the one that makes the most sense.

a) Terrorists flew jetliners into tall buildings and the Pentagon.


b) The CIA / Jews / Lizzards planned over a period of many years, an operation so complicated and advanced the detail is absolutely breathtaking, in order to fulfull a dastardly plan whose motivation is completely absurd. In this operation hundreds of people disapeared without trace, (the passengers) planes misteriously disapeared (or never existed in the first place ?) and no one ever blabbed a single word or produced a single document as evidence.



There are unexplained elements. There are unpleasant truths regarding high level Saudis, and Osama Bin Laden and his CIA links when fighting the Russians.

But the evidence to support a over b is overwhelming.

So if you did not have this body of people constantly wittering on about all of the various 9/11 conspiracies then this video would not exist. It supports the official version of events. The version where the victims get to rest in peace, the version where those who died on the planes and in the buildings were heros.

That version is supported by me, and this video.

Ferus 10-11-2017 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by NewNick (Post 22033037)
The video mocks the halfwit truthers.

You know the ones who will believe any explanation except the one that makes the most sense.

a) Terrorists flew jetliners into tall buildings and the Pentagon.


b) The CIA / Jews / Lizzards planned over a period of many years, an operation so complicated and advanced the detail is absolutely breathtaking, in order to fulfull a dastardly plan whose motivation is completely absurd. In this operation hundreds of people disapeared without trace, (the passengers) planes misteriously disapeared (or never existed in the first place ?) and no one ever blabbed a single word or produced a single document as evidence.



There are unexplained elements. There are unpleasant truths regarding high level Saudis, and Osama Bin Laden and his CIA links when fighting the Russians.

But the evidence to support a over b is overwhelming.

So if you did not have this body of people constantly wittering on about all of the various 9/11 conspiracies then this video would not exist. It supports the official version of events. The version where the victims get to rest in peace, the version where those who died on the planes and in the buildings were heros.

That version is supported by me, and this video.

Yeah, Im sure making stupid videos like that will enlighten and move the lowest common denominator... Great success ahead...

thommy 10-11-2017 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ferus (Post 22033059)
Yeah, Im sure making stupid videos like that will enlighten and move the lowest common denominator... Great success ahead...

it will not enlighten them but gives us a little entertainment about this stupids.

can you not laugh about charly chaplin impersonating hitler ? i can !

crockett 10-11-2017 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by DukeSkywalker (Post 22032929)
There was thermite found at the scene. Molten metal burning for a month in the basement? Lmao. No thermite here folks, move along.

The existance of thermite is proof positive.

Sure there was.. Just fucking stop the ignorance..

Acepimp 10-11-2017 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by DukeSkywalker (Post 22032929)
There was thermite found at the scene. Molten metal burning for a month in the basement? Lmao. No thermite here folks, move along.

The existance of thermite is proof positive.


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22033073)
Sure there was.. Just fucking stop the ignorance..

Hey Crockett- 2 planes didn't take down 3 large steel buildings. Simply not possible.

Debunking The Real 9/11 Myths: Why Popular Mechanics Can?t Face Up To Reality - Part 5: Nanothermite in the Towers


DukeSkywalker 10-11-2017 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22033073)
Sure there was.. Just fucking stop the ignorance..

there was dude

CaptainHowdy 10-11-2017 02:44 PM

I refuse to see a video with the abominable word "truther"on its title ..

thommy 10-11-2017 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22033127)
Hey Crockett- 2 planes didn't take down 3 large steel buildings. Simply not possible.


no sure not :-)

Acepimp 10-11-2017 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22033413)
no sure not :-)

Thommy. Where is the plane in this video? This video shows a controlled demolition, which requires MULTIPLE POINTS OF FAILURE AT THE EXACT SAME TIME- The explosive charges. Please tell us how WTC7, which wasn't even hit, fell straight down at freefall speeds. Thanks.

beerptrol 10-11-2017 06:39 PM

The gullible leading the gullible.

I found this video on you tube from another tard that proves this was a conspiracy! It's a fact.

Acepimp 10-11-2017 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by beerptrol (Post 22033435)
The gullible leading the gullible.

I found this video on you tube from another tard that proves this was a conspiracy! It's a fact.

So Beerptrol, you're saying that thousands of architects and engineers are wrong? Are you sure about this??

Case closed, everyone! :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Debunking The Real 9/11 Myths: Why Popular Mechanics Can?t Face Up To Reality - Part 5: Nanothermite in the Towers

Steve Rupe 10-11-2017 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22033439)
So Beerptrol, you're saying that thousands of architects and engineers are wrong? Are you sure about this??

Case closed, everyone! :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Debunking The Real 9/11 Myths: Why Popular Mechanics Can?t Face Up To Reality - Part 5: Nanothermite in the Towers

Building 7 was hit by ruble. It had a gash in it about twenty story's long and was slightly tilting and that is why the Fireman were "pulled" from the building as they became more and more aware that the building was at some point going to collapse. All on video, and recorded conversations among the Fire Fighters and the owner of the building.

Acepimp 10-11-2017 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Rupe (Post 22033449)
Building 7 was hit by ruble. It had a gash in it about twenty story's long and was slightly tilting and that is why the Fireman were "pulled" from the building as they became more and more aware that the building was at some point going to collapse. All on video, and recorded conversations among the Fire Fighters and the owner of the building.

Simply impossible. If the building fell due to damage on one side, it would topple over in that direction. It fell straight down. The video clearly shows a controlled demolition which lasted about 7 seconds.


Steve Rupe 10-11-2017 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22033457)
Simply impossible. If the building fell due to damage on one side, it would topple over in that direction. It fell straight down. The video clearly shows a controlled demolition which lasted about 7 seconds.


It clearly is not impossible as it happened. There are a multitude of reasons that a slightly tilting building could/or give the appearance of falling straight down particularly when it had raging fires going in it. The damage to the building from being hit by ruble from the twin towers is clearly severe as shown in the videos/pics and the firefighters being "pulled" by their superiors and the owner of the building because it became probable that the building was going to fall at some point is all documented. What she see and hear with your own lying eyes and ears is what happened as seen by millions of people. End of story period. Also the end of this conversation.

NewNick 10-11-2017 10:35 PM

and the Bumble Bee cannot fly.........

Acepimp 10-11-2017 11:34 PM

Steve is claiming that "some rubble hit the building" and then THIS happened:

Watch carefully at 0:03 and you can see simultaneous explosions. The only way a building goes straight down is with multiple points of failure at the exact same time.

If that's not enough, you can also clearly hear the blast in this video:

Nevermind the thousands of architects and engineers who are certain that Steve is incorrect. It seems you got duped buddy.


DukeSkywalker 10-11-2017 11:54 PM

Lets take away thermite theories & accept what we?ve been told. So two planes took out 3 buildings which coincidentially, all 3 collopased into tgeir their own foot print at free fall speeds for the first few hundred feet.
The odds BOTH towers would collapse due to a plane strike is low.
The odds another building not directly impacted would collapse, lower.
That they all fell into their own footprint? Impossible without some outside interference or divine intervention.

On a side note, that tower full of the habibs in england that burnt down was fully engulfed in flames. It didnt collapse.

VRPdommy 10-12-2017 04:50 AM

I just want to know one thing...

...Does that mean I can take this DAMM TIN FOIL HAT OFF NOW ?

NewNick 10-12-2017 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by DukeSkywalker (Post 22033627)
Lets take away thermite theories & accept what we?ve been told. So two planes took out 3 buildings which coincidentially, all 3 collopased into tgeir their own foot print at free fall speeds for the first few hundred feet.
The odds BOTH towers would collapse due to a plane strike is low.
The odds another building not directly impacted would collapse, lower.
That they all fell into their own footprint? Impossible without some outside interference or divine intervention.

On a side note, that tower full of the habibs in england that burnt down was fully engulfed in flames. It didnt collapse.

I really dont understand what is so difficult for you ?

The building in London was a different design.

The building in London was not hit by a plane fully laden with jet fuel.

Question for you :

Do you really believe that the unidentified bogeymen that created a conspiracy so fantastic, in order to promote their oil / war / power games, the only plan they could come up with was this ?

This was the CIA right ?

You dont think that they could have just toppled an unstable govt somewhere in the Middle East and achieved the same thing ?

You dont think they could have just assassinated some leader in some flash point and started a shit load of conflict ?

You really think they sat around and this was the very best plan to get the US govt to increase defence spending ???

JFK 10-12-2017 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 22031529)
Well this is proof positive. A short movie about three actors talking in a poorly lit room.

I'm convinced.

Glad some is :thumbsup

Steve Rupe 10-12-2017 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22033623)
Steve is claiming that "some rubble hit the building" and then THIS happened:

Watch carefully at 0:03 and you can see simultaneous explosions. The only way a building goes straight down is with multiple points of failure at the exact same time.

If that's not enough, you can also clearly hear the blast in this video:

Nevermind the thousands of architects and engineers who are certain that Steve is incorrect. It seems you got duped buddy.


The first video it is plain to see in the video that the building did not fall straight down. In the second video what you think is an explosion is the sound of a floor/floors collapsing and of compressed air.

thommy 10-12-2017 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22033425)
Thommy. Where is the plane in this video? This video shows a controlled demolition, which requires MULTIPLE POINTS OF FAILURE AT THE EXACT SAME TIME- The explosive charges. Please tell us how WTC7, which wasn't even hit, fell straight down at freefall speeds. Thanks.

ah you think what a handful of dynamite can do a full tanked boeing 767 can not ?
you are a very dumb ignorant.
stay in your little world but donīt ask others to come in.

thommy 10-12-2017 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22033439)
So Beerptrol, you're saying that thousands of architects and engineers are wrong? Are you sure about this??

Case closed, everyone! :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Debunking The Real 9/11 Myths: Why Popular Mechanics Can?t Face Up To Reality - Part 5: Nanothermite in the Towers

loooool - thousands of architects and engineers .... ok letīs say you find a few i will find 1000 times more who have the same skills and tell you the opposite.

WHO will you believe than?

you do not have to answer - i know it already !!!!!!

wehateporn 10-12-2017 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by thommy (Post 22034255)
loooool - thousands of architects and engineers .... ok letīs say you find a few i will find 1000 times more who have the same skills and tell you the opposite.

The thousands of architects and engineers who have examined the collapse of WTC7 will tell you it was a controlled demolition, whereas the thousands who haven't examined it yet will mostly believe that only two towers collapsed on September 11th 2001

Steve Rupe 10-12-2017 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by wehateporn (Post 22034263)
The thousands of architects and engineers who have examined the collapse of WTC7 will tell you it was a controlled demolition, whereas the thousands who haven't examined it yet will mostly believe that only two towers collapsed on September 11th 2001

Thousands have not examined the collapse of the buildings. Watching a video is not an examination.

NewNick 10-12-2017 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Steve Rupe (Post 22034275)
Thousands have not examined the collapse of the buildings. Watching a video is not an examination.

Turnips like WHP talk as if their delerium is backed up by facts. They wll tell you that it is proved beyond doubt that the towers were packed to the rafters with sophisticated explosives. They blither about the hoards of experts blah blah blah.

This is all bullshit.

wehateporn 10-12-2017 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Steve Rupe (Post 22034275)
Thousands have not examined the collapse of the buildings. Watching a video is not an examination.

For something as obvious as whether it's a controlled demo or not, one only needs to watch the video

wehateporn 10-12-2017 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by NewNick (Post 22034315)
Turnips like WHP talk as if their delerium is backed up by facts. They wll tell you that it is proved beyond doubt that the towers were packed to the rafters with sophisticated explosives. They blither about the hoards of experts blah blah blah.

This is all bullshit.

Says someone who hasn't even spent more than 3 minutes looking into the topic :upsidedow

VRPdommy 10-12-2017 10:49 AM

This subject was determined to be settled a long time ago...
And if it were not for the fuel that burned after the strike, it would not have collapsed.

For it caused the metal supporting structure (frame) to bend and break. The shock of that heavy impact to the floors below was to much and they fell one after the other from the weight striking it in a way that it was not designed to handle like dominos.

And yes it does look like the same method one would use to demo a building of this size.

Because that was the intent of those folks who sent the planes in where they did with as much fuel as possible at the time of impact. It was not by chance but design.

They intended to do just what happened or they would have crashed them at a lower level. It was known after the attempted bombs in the foundation in the 90's that they had the design blueprints of the building and there was a pretty big scandal about that back then. They were well advised by a engineer.

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