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-   -   Trump's WH full of people with no security clearances.. (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1294375)

crockett 02-13-2018 07:00 AM

Trump's WH full of people with no security clearances..
Lock Hillary up because she used a email server that didn't get hacked but could have... says. Republicans...

Meanwhile the Trump admin has a back log of 700,000 security clearances they have failed to complete.. Yes 700,000..

Trump as usual tries to blame the FBI, but the FBI shut him down with facts. The FBI only does the background checks then the WH grants the security clearance..

In the case of Rob Potter for example the FBI completed his background check 8 months ago, but Trump's WH still hadn't completed his security clearance..

Same with Kushner and countess others in Trump's top staff who don't have security clearances, yet handle top secret documents daily..


Grapesoda, what do you have to say about that?

Busty2 02-13-2018 07:24 AM

No No No No
It's not Chumps fault or his Whitewash i mean Whitehouse.
Its all Obama and Hilary's fault. I mean come on that obvious ?

Acepimp 02-13-2018 08:09 AM

^^ More hysterical nonsense from Crockette. Shocker.

BOMBSHELL: Chelsea Clinton?s Best Friend Awarded $11 Million in Defense Contracts But Doesn?t Have Fed Security Clearance


Rochard 02-13-2018 08:38 AM

They are also using "temp" leaders to avoid having to go through the nomination process for large government agencies....

beerptrol 02-13-2018 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22202849)

lol keep deflecting

Acepimp 02-13-2018 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by beerptrol (Post 22202991)
lol keep deflecting

^^ Keep ignoring FACTS


Bladewire 02-13-2018 11:55 AM

Trump is compromised so he needs to be surrounded by others who are compromised, or who can me easily compromised.

Sleep with dogs get flees like trump

2MuchMark 02-13-2018 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22202999)
^^ Keep ignoring FACTS


Like who? Like you?

beerptrol 02-13-2018 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22202999)
^^ Keep ignoring FACTS


The only facts you know is what are spoon fed to you by Chump, Chump TV(Fox News), Alex Jones, Breitbart, and other alt right sites.

The fact is that you are deflecting like a good mindless chumpanzee
Fact...People in Chump's whitehouse can't get a permanent security clearance. But you keep deflecting

Acepimp 02-13-2018 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22203131)
Trump is compromised so he needs to be surrounded by others who are compromised, or who can me easily compromised.

Sleep with dogs get flees like trump

LoL! More wild conspiracy theories! You guys are funny :1orglaugh


2MuchMark 02-13-2018 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22202849)

Hey Ace, you know what? You can't fight. That's why you're no fun to argue with.

Crocket's subject is about people like Kushner who do not and cannot get a security clearance to be at the white house. It's a well known fact, and your head has to be in the toilet not to know this.

But instead of acknowledging it or arguing a point, you bring up Chelsea Clinton. Neither Chelsea nor any other Clinton has anything at all to do with this story. You're just backed into a corner (again), and try to deflect (again) instead of fight (again).

If you are such a Trump-sucking MAGA-screaming winner, why not offer some kind of defence for this? Of course there is none, but you could at least (1) Try, or (2) Admit that there is none. Grow some fucking balls for once. Even I will call Trump out on anything good he does (Nice Hair, supports Nasa, has a hot daughter). If I and my fellow libbies can admit mistakes or praise-us a little TrumpTrump once in a while, why can't you admit when we're right, or when you're beat? Is it because we're better than you? Smarter that you? Stronger than you? Have bigger cocks than you?

Stop being a pussy. Trump has a security clearance problem. Admit it or go fuck yourself.

Acepimp 02-13-2018 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by beerptrol (Post 22203147)
The only facts you know is what are spoon fed to you by Chump, Chump TV(Fox News), Alex Jones, Breitbart, and other alt right sites.

The fact is that you are deflecting like a good mindless chumpanzee
Fact...People in Chump's whitehouse can't get a permanent security clearance. But you keep deflecting

LoL! The left has gone mad because she lost, but ignores her corruption & scandals! LoL! And those sites aren't "Alt-right." Since you don't even know what that means, i suggest getting the facts about "alt-right"


Also, if you're suggesting that Sean Hannity or the reporters at Infowars are publishing fake news, post some proof- show us the fake news. I can wait :1orglaugh


beerptrol 02-13-2018 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22203171)
LoL! The left has gone mad because she lost, but ignores her corruption & scandals! LoL! And those sites aren't "Alt-right." Since you don't even know what that means, i suggest getting the facts about "alt-right"


Also, if you're suggesting that Sean Hannity or the reporters at Infowars are publishing fake news, post some proof- show us the fake news. I can wait :1orglaugh


crockett 02-13-2018 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22203157)
Hey Ace, you know what? You can't fight. That's why you're no fun to argue with.

Crocket's subject is about people like Kushner who do not and cannot get a security clearance to be at the white house. It's a well known fact, and your head has to be in the toilet not to know this.

But instead of acknowledging it or arguing a point, you bring up Chelsea Clinton. Neither Chelsea nor any other Clinton has anything at all to do with this story. You're just backed into a corner (again), and try to deflect (again) instead of fight (again).

If you are such a Trump-sucking MAGA-screaming winner, why not offer some kind of defence for this? Of course there is none, but you could at least (1) Try, or (2) Admit that there is none. Grow some fucking balls for once. Even I will call Trump out on anything good he does (Nice Hair, supports Nasa, has a hot daughter). If I and my fellow libbies can admit mistakes or praise-us a little TrumpTrump once in a while, why can't you admit when we're right, or when you're beat? Is it because we're better than you? Smarter that you? Stronger than you? Have bigger cocks than you?

Stop being a pussy. Trump has a security clearance problem. Admit it or go fuck yourself.

See this is the difference between the left and the right.. I never liked Bush but I had no issues saying he did something right if he did do something right. Same with Trump.. There isn't a lot I think he's done right but I've said before and I still stand by it, that I'm in wait and see mode on the tax cuts..

I do see a lot of issues with the tax cuts and I think they will put us in massive debt, BUT it's obvious several big companies have given bonuses and are reinvesting money some from outside the US.

Because of that I'm willing to hold final judgement on the tax cut to see how things play out over the next year.

Meanwhile, I used to ask the many right wingers this forum to say something good about Obama.. Never, not once would any of the right wing nutters say anything at all good positive about Obama..

The right wing is 100% team politics and rotten to the core.. They are all brainwashed nutters just at varying degrees of mentally ill..

Acepimp 02-13-2018 12:56 PM

Hey Beerptrol, heard of UC Berkeley?

Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females

And Hannity is reporting the news accurately.

Hey Mark, you people have been bitching that she lost for a year and a half. I point out that had she won, much worse shit would be taking place. She and her cronies are corrupt as hell, and you're complaining that she lost?? GFY


The Porn Nerd 02-13-2018 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22203185)
See this is the difference between the left and the right.. I never liked Bush but I had no issues saying he did something right if he did do something right. Same with Trump.. There isn't a lot I think he's done right but I've said before and I still stand by it, that I'm in wait and see mode on the tax cuts..

I do see a lot of issues with the tax cuts and I think they will put us in massive debt, BUT it's obvious several big companies have given bonuses and are reinvesting money some from outside the US.

Because of that I'm willing to hold final judgement on the tax cut to see how things play out over the next year.

Meanwhile, I used to ask the many right wingers this forum to say something good about Obama.. Never, not once would any of the right wing nutters say anything at all good positive about Obama..

The right wing is 100% team politics and rotten to the core.. They are all brainwashed nutters just at varying degrees of mentally ill..

While I am an Independant (a pox on both your Houses!) I too admit when someone (especially a president) does something good and beneficial to the country, even if I was initially against the idea. I am "open" and guess what? I root for success.

But the problem today is when a side (either one) goes with "My Party/President right or wrong". THIS is bad and it shows up in threads like this one.

Trump not granting security clearances for 700K people, including key players within the WH, is BAD and there's no way around that. (Even if the Trump crowd start posting how many security clearances Obama failed to grant in his eight years, which I expect any second now.) But instead of going, "Hey wait a minute!" Trump supporters just fight, deflect, bring up anything else and ignore the issue.

This is BAD and it's extremely Russian-like behavior. Russkies argue for argument's sake, just to keep the argument going until you give up. Then they think they've "won". Very Russian. :helpme

DraX 02-13-2018 01:03 PM

So what is really the cause of the lack of security clearances, bureaucracy ?

I'm asking...

Bladewire 02-13-2018 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22203151)
LoL! More wild conspiracy theories! You guys are funny

Yeah 4 of his top people were indicted by the FBI and two have pleaded guilty. Kueshner lied on his security clearance application, then ammended it three times making substantial changes to his application.

You should deal in facts and reality

Acepimp 02-13-2018 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22203199)
Yeah 4 of his top people were indicted by the FBI and two have pleaded guilty. Kueshner lied on his security clearance application, then ammended it three times making substantial changes to his application.

You should deal in facts and reality

You mean like the fact that Flynn did nothing wrong?

REPORT: Dirty Cop Comey Told Lawmakers General Michael Flynn DID NOT Lie Under Oath


Dirty Cop Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok Coordinated to Blindside General Flynn

And his charges will probably be dropped soon


beerptrol 02-13-2018 01:15 PM

^^^^^You can't argue with a brain washed chumpanzee lol ^^^^^^^

crockett 02-13-2018 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by DraX (Post 22203197)
So what is really the cause of the lack of security clearances, bureaucracy ?

I'm asking...

Due to lack of transparency from the Trump admin we are left to guess.. According to the FBI and also looking at "known" standard process, the FBI does the background checks, then the WH uses the BG checks to issues the clearances after that. ( no idea what process the WH goes through to do that)

Anyway, the FBI says they've done their part (ie the background checks) however the WH hasnt followed through with their part..

My guess is as we've seen so many times, Trump's WH is under staffed and barely functions from day to day.. This is why other admins dont do blanket firings of the previous staff like Trump did..

Other admins are smart enough to know they need time to fill positions and train their people. Trump on the other hand "knew it all" so he fired all the previous staffers and then had no one to train his people or do basic tasks..

In other words, Trump created a giant clusterfuck and still a year later they aren't doing basic things... This is why during the 1st week of Trump's presidency, they were holding meetings in the dark, because they had no one who knew where the light switches were (true story).

crockett 02-13-2018 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by The Porn Nerd (Post 22203195)
While I am an Independant (a pox on both your Houses!) I too admit when someone (especially a president) does something good and beneficial to the country, even if I was initially against the idea. I am "open" and guess what? I root for success.

But the problem today is when a side (either one) goes with "My Party/President right or wrong". THIS is bad and it shows up in threads like this one.

Trump not granting security clearances for 700K people, including key players within the WH, is BAD and there's no way around that. (Even if the Trump crowd start posting how many security clearances Obama failed to grant in his eight years, which I expect any second now.) But instead of going, "Hey wait a minute!" Trump supporters just fight, deflect, bring up anything else and ignore the issue.

This is BAD and it's extremely Russian-like behavior. Russkies argue for argument's sake, just to keep the argument going until you give up. Then they think they've "won". Very Russian. :helpme

The worst part is I wasn't even asking guys like Joushamo27 or AcePimp.. I was asking this to guys like Robbie, Vendzilla, Baddog.. guys that at least act a bit more mentality capable than the AssPimples of gfy..

bronco67 02-13-2018 01:47 PM

Haven't read the whole thread, but wondering if any Trumpanzees have said something to the effect of "security clearances are overrated".

kane 02-13-2018 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by DraX (Post 22203197)
So what is really the cause of the lack of security clearances, bureaucracy ?

I'm asking...

I saw a story on the news about this last night. The clearances are handled through a two-step process. First, the FBI does their part, this can sometimes take a handful of months because they are trying to get clearances for a lot of people when a new administration takes over. Once they have finished their part they hand it off to the White House security office and they take it from there, doing their own clearance check then issuing the clearance as they see fit.

The FBI says they finished their part on Porter back in March 2017. So, you have to believe one of two things. Either the White House security office is so understaffed that it took them nearly a year to finish the clearance or there were people who knew about Porter's past and were trying to cover for him by delaying or obscuring the process.

The fact that many higher-ups within the administration also are still waiting for their clearance makes me think it is more likely that the White House is the one dragging their feet and not getting this done in a timely manner.

bronco67 02-13-2018 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by DraX (Post 22203197)
So what is really the cause of the lack of security clearances, bureaucracy ?

I'm asking...

Maybe the problem is the people who are being put up for clearances...they're either not easily clearable, or not clearable period.

kane 02-13-2018 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by bronco67 (Post 22203349)
Maybe the problem is the people who are being put up for clearances...they're either not easily clearable, or not clearable period.

There is some of that for certain. Jarod Kushner has had to make over 100 different changes to his paperwork since the background check process has been started.

Call me crazy, but if you make 100 "mistakes' on your security clearance application maybe you should be getting a security clearance.

The Porn Nerd 02-13-2018 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by kane (Post 22203281)
I saw a story on the news about this last night. The clearances are handled through a two-step process. First, the FBI does their part, this can sometimes take a handful of months because they are trying to get clearances for a lot of people when a new administration takes over. Once they have finished their part they hand it off to the White House security office and they take it from there, doing their own clearance check then issuing the clearance as they see fit.

The FBI says they finished their part on Porter back in March 2017. So, you have to believe one of two things. Either the White House security office is so understaffed that it took them nearly a year to finish the clearance or there were people who knew about Porter's past and were trying to cover for him by delaying or obscuring the process.

The fact that many higher-ups within the administration also are still waiting for their clearance makes me think it is more likely that the White House is the one dragging their feet and not getting this done in a timely manner.

So it all comes down to the usual playbook by people in power: either they are fuckups (incompetence) or bad dudes (malfeasance). We the People are left to decide which is which. LOL

kane 02-13-2018 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by The Porn Nerd (Post 22203399)
So it all comes down to the usual playbook by people in power: either they are fuckups (incompetence) or bad dudes (malfeasance). We the People are left to decide which is which. LOL

Sad but true.

Rochard 02-13-2018 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22203185)
See this is the difference between the left and the right.. I never liked Bush but I had no issues saying he did something right if he did do something right. Same with Trump.. There isn't a lot I think he's done right but I've said before and I still stand by it, that I'm in wait and see mode on the tax cuts..

I do see a lot of issues with the tax cuts and I think they will put us in massive debt, BUT it's obvious several big companies have given bonuses and are reinvesting money some from outside the US.

Because of that I'm willing to hold final judgement on the tax cut to see how things play out over the next year.

Meanwhile, I used to ask the many right wingers this forum to say something good about Obama.. Never, not once would any of the right wing nutters say anything at all good positive about Obama..

The right wing is 100% team politics and rotten to the core.. They are all brainwashed nutters just at varying degrees of mentally ill..

I am an Independant. I vote for who I believe is the right person.

I don't believe I voted for Bush, but I supported him once in office. But not Trump. He is completely and utterly unqualified to work politics, no less being the President. It's stunning that he was voted into office. It's almost like every decision he makes is the wrong decision - like he does the opposite of what needs to be done.

And still people fall for this.

kane 02-13-2018 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 22203403)
I am an Independant. I vote for who I believe is the right person.

I don't believe I voted for Bush, but I supported him once in office. But not Trump. He is completely and utterly unqualified to work politics, no less being the President. It's stunning that he was voted into office. It's almost like every decision he makes is the wrong decision - like he does the opposite of what needs to be done.

And still people fall for this.

It feels like he really doesn't have many positions on many of the issues. I can handle someone I don't agree with so long as they make a good point as to why they feel that way. Many issues have multiple ways to look at them. Trump, however, seems willing to sign whatever is put in front of him or do whatever people tell him so long as he thinks it will make people like him. There is a video of him having a cabinet meeting and he is asked about immigration/DACA etc. He states his position then someone else jumps in and says something and he agrees then someone else clarifies and he agrees. He basically takes three different positions on the subject in about 30 seconds and ends with basically saying he will sign whatever bill is passed.

What amazes me is how the far right and the Evangelicals support him. He (and the rest of the GOP) are adding trillions to the debt. He has been married multiple times, talks about grabbing women by the pussy, likely cheated on his wife with a pornstar, and he has been all over the map when it comes to abortion and other issues they hold dear and yet they still support him. It's like we are living in the upside down.

Acepimp 02-13-2018 04:57 PM


The Porn Nerd 02-13-2018 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by kane (Post 22203417)
It feels like he really doesn't have many positions on many of the issues. I can handle someone I don't agree with so long as they make a good point as to why they feel that way. Many issues have multiple ways to look at them. Trump, however, seems willing to sign whatever is put in front of him or do whatever people tell him so long as he thinks it will make people like him. There is a video of him having a cabinet meeting and he is asked about immigration/DACA etc. He states his position then someone else jumps in and says something and he agrees then someone else clarifies and he agrees. He basically takes three different positions on the subject in about 30 seconds and ends with basically saying he will sign whatever bill is passed.

What amazes me is how the far right and the Evangelicals support him. He (and the rest of the GOP) are adding trillions to the debt. He has been married multiple times, talks about grabbing women by the pussy, likely cheated on his wife with a pornstar, and he has been all over the map when it comes to abortion and other issues they hold dear and yet they still support him. It's like we are living in the upside down.

Because when your Team is in power anything goes.
We are living in a world created by and ruled by the Baby Boomers.
The "Me Generation".
And then we wonder why there's so much selfishness and thoughtlessness going around.

PS: The Millenials are 10x worse than the Boomers so watch out.
The Millenials are the most passive-aggressive generation in history.

TheDynasty 02-13-2018 06:13 PM

same trump supporters calling fake news

kane 02-13-2018 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Porn Nerd (Post 22203503)
Because when your Team is in power anything goes.
We are living in a world created by and ruled by the Baby Boomers.
The "Me Generation".
And then we wonder why there's so much selfishness and thoughtlessness going around.

PS: The Millenials are 10x worse than the Boomers so watch out.
The Millenials are the most passive-aggressive generation in history.

A friend of mine has a couple of kids who are Millenials. One of them just joined the Air Force and was recently home on leave at Christmas. I was talking to him about the feeling that people hate Millenials and how they seem to always be angry and on tilt. He said, "Of course we are. We are the first generation to have the entire world of information available to us on our phones so growing up we knew most adults were full of shit, but many of us listened to them when they told us we wouldn't be able to survive without a college degree so now we have a generation that is starting life buried in debt and watching our elected leaders pile on more and more debt in an effort to fatten their pockets while destroying our future. So, yeah. . . we're pissed."

I thought he made a few good points. Some Millenials are hyper-sensitive, annoying, and are all around pains in the ass (even he admits this), but some of them make some reasonable arguments.

beerptrol 02-13-2018 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22203433)

Such a good mindless chumpanzee


Bladewire 02-13-2018 11:24 PM

The Porn Nerd 02-14-2018 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by kane (Post 22203513)
A friend of mine has a couple of kids who are Millenials. One of them just joined the Air Force and was recently home on leave at Christmas. I was talking to him about the feeling that people hate Millenials and how they seem to always be angry and on tilt. He said, "Of course we are. We are the first generation to have the entire world of information available to us on our phones so growing up we knew most adults were full of shit, but many of us listened to them when they told us we wouldn't be able to survive without a college degree so now we have a generation that is starting life buried in debt and watching our elected leaders pile on more and more debt in an effort to fatten their pockets while destroying our future. So, yeah. . . we're pissed."

I thought he made a few good points. Some Millenials are hyper-sensitive, annoying, and are all around pains in the ass (even he admits this), but some of them make some reasonable arguments.

Agreed. Whenever someone (including me) makes sweeping statements about an entire generation of people there are bound to be exceptions. LOL Not all Baby Boomers are selfish fucktards either.

The biggest issue for Millenials is how the Baby Boomers - the people in front of them - are clogging up the natural flow of life. You go to school, get married, work, retire, etc. Boomers married late, had children late, will never 'retire' and so their children feel stuck.

Interesting tho how your friend's son admitted to some bad generational traits. LOL

2MuchMark 02-14-2018 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22203191)

Hey Mark, you people have been bitching that she lost for a year and a half. I point out that had she won, much worse shit would be taking place. She and her cronies are corrupt as hell, and you're complaining that she lost?? GFY


You can't fight.


Originally Posted by beerptrol (Post 22203211)
^^^^^You can't argue with a brain washed chumpanzee lol ^^^^^^^

You're right. Acepimp = Chumpanzee. Too bad! I had hopes for him earlier on, but he's squashed it.

EonBlue 02-14-2018 10:41 AM

Is OP really dumb enough to believe that the White House, Trump or any of his admin staff are personally responsible for doing security checks and granting security clearances?

And is he really dumb enough to believe that this is a new problem that suddenly appeared as soon as Trump took office? Does he think that there was a backlog of zero on Jan. 1 2017 and that it suddenly grew to 700,000 in one year?

I guess he really is dumber than I thought. His cheerleaders too.

This is a bureaucratic problem that Trump does not have any personal or direct control over. Same for Obama before him.

The federal security clearance system is killing innovation | TheHill


The National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB) has a backlog of more than 700,000 investigation applications. This severe backlog prevents defense officials, diplomats and intelligence officers from being able to do their jobs. This year, the process for a top secret security clearance took more than 450 days to conclude, more than a half-year longer than it took in April of 2016; and there is no indication that the timeline is getting shorter.
The fix would be to throw more money at the bureaucracy and/or change the laws and regulations involved in doing background checks and issuing clearances.


crockett 02-14-2018 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by The Porn Nerd (Post 22204099)
d. Whenever someone (including me) makes sweeping statements about an entire generation of people there are bound to be exceptions. LOL Not all Baby Boomers are selfish fucktards either.

The biggest issue for Millenials is how the Baby Boomers - the people in front of them - are clogging up the natural flow of life. You go to school, get married, work, retire, etc. Boomers married late, had children late, will never 'retire' and so their children feel stuck.

Interesting tho how your friend's son admitted to some bad generational traits. LOL

You forgot genX in the middle.. basically the boomers were our parents and fucked us as bad as they fucked the Millenies..

The boomers wanted to be hippies not be responsible then turned into greedy selfish fucks who wouldn't get out of the way and let the next generation move up..

This is why we have 70 year old fucks running to be the potus because the selfish bastards still won't move out of the way and let the next generation run stuff..

It's why the boomers were called the worst generation or generation me...

The Porn Nerd 02-14-2018 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22204139)
You forgot genX in the middle.. basically the boomers were our parents and fucked us as bad as they fucked the Millenies..

The boomers wanted to be hippies not be responsible then turned into greedy selfish fucks who wouldn't get out of the way and let the next generation move up..

This is why we have 70 year old fucks running to be the potus because the selfish bastards still won't move out of the way and let the next generation run stuff..

It's why the boomers were called the worst generation or generation me...

Ha completely agree! Gen Xers are the forgotten Generation.

While I appreciate all (or most) of the amazing things the Baby Boomers have accomplished in their glorious lifetimes it also disgusts me that "60 is the new 30!" etc. Old farts dressing and acting like they are still in college, perpetual children stuck in their early twenties (at best).

Trump is the Baby Boomer Poster Child (as was Bill Clinton and George W. Bush).

Rochard 02-14-2018 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22203157)
Crocket's subject is about people like Kushner who do not and cannot get a security clearance to be at the white house. It's a well known fact, and your head has to be in the toilet not to know this.

How the fuck is it possible that the President's son in law - who has zero fucking qualifications to work in the White House - cannot get a security clearance yet still works there as the President's closest adviser? On top of that, he is tasked with solving the "middle east problem" yet cannot even discuss security issues.

kane 02-14-2018 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by The Porn Nerd (Post 22204099)
Agreed. Whenever someone (including me) makes sweeping statements about an entire generation of people there are bound to be exceptions. LOL Not all Baby Boomers are selfish fucktards either.

The biggest issue for Millenials is how the Baby Boomers - the people in front of them - are clogging up the natural flow of life. You go to school, get married, work, retire, etc. Boomers married late, had children late, will never 'retire' and so their children feel stuck.

Interesting tho how your friend's son admitted to some bad generational traits. LOL

My friend's son is a pretty interesting guy and typically has no issues admitting his own faults. One thing he complains about with Millenials is how they blow everything out of proportion. If something happens, it is the worst thing that has ever happened and everyone takes it up as their new pet cause. Then two weeks later it is forgotten and everyone is furious over something new.

There is a ton of Baby Boomer hate from Millenials. Spend a little time on Reddit and you will see it. Many of them are angry because, like you said, the Boomers are not retiring (part of that is because of the economic collapse killing their retirement funds) so they clog up the system. All these Millenials graduate college and can't find jobs in their chosen fields. It's a very interesting generational divide. I'm curious to see how it plays out over the next 10 years. As the Millenials continue to come of age and start voting, they will have a big impact on the direction our country goes in.

astronaut x 02-14-2018 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Acepimp (Post 22203151)
LoL! More wild conspiracy theories! You guys are funny :1orglaugh


Well then back it up with something.

You are a fucking joke. So keep laughing.

Rochard 02-14-2018 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by crockett (Post 22203213)
Due to lack of transparency from the Trump admin we are left to guess.. According to the FBI and also looking at "known" standard process, the FBI does the background checks, then the WH uses the BG checks to issues the clearances after that. ( no idea what process the WH goes through to do that)

I don't believe the White House issues security clearances. If this was the case, it would have issued Porter security clearance. Same with Jared.

It's stunning that the White House cannot get it's story straight about this. It's not only this issue, it's EVERY issues. This is by far the most disorganized and dysfunctional administrations in our life time. This is a very simple matter - admit you made a mistake, admit he should have been let go, issue an order to review other security issues, and move forward. Instead we are STILL talking about this over a week later.

Republicans complain that we aren't talking about Trump's accomplishments. It's because his accomplishments are few, and the scandals are constant.

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