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Jayvis 04-20-2010 10:21 AM

Dating Blog Traffic on a Budget
Dating Blog Traffic on a Budget

I am writing this piece in response to the overwhelming number of individuals that have a limited knowledge of the adult industry but have ambition and are willing to put in the effort; they just need a little coaching in order to place their best foot forward.

I can’t begin to express how many times I receive an email or ICQ along the lines of “How can I begin earning money with little to no start-up costs?” This in itself is a tough question to answer. It’s very difficult to build traffic with absolutely zero investment, but over the years I have found the following to be the best way to build organic traffic on a budget. These days it’s not exactly easy to slap together a simple page and rake in the money, but with a little bit of hard work and dedication, you can begin to ramp up search engine traffic in due time. Just remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

The typical “newbie” affiliate may not have a firm grasp on installing a complex tube or TGP script and they may lack the designer know-how of creating a beautiful page. Without that knowledge, both tasks can be costly to hand off to someone else. With that said, I am a firm believer in Wordpress as an easy, overall solution to starting a website. Whether you’re a novice or an industry veteran, Wordpress is free, simple to install, and highly customizable. If you’re brand new to Wordpress, a few hours inside the admin area will have you feeling very comfortable and familiar with the way it works. Even if you’re feeling apprehensive about installing Wordpress yourself, you can always rely on just about any virtual hosting company to do it for you, as most have the ability to do one-click installs which saves you a lot of the technical headaches.

I won’t focus on the many ways to make your blog the most eye-catching or tell you about the best plug-ins. Instead, I’d like to jump right into discussing some of the methods I have used in the past for garnering search engine traffic. So with that said, let’s assume that you have Wordpress installed, you have a theme you’re happy with and you’re ready to begin publishing content.

The first method I would like to share involves writing a blog as a typical dating site user, almost in a “review” sense. It boils down to writing about your experience with a product. Is it a new idea? Not at all. Is it saturated? Depending on who you talk to, just about any affiliate method is “saturated” but I’ll tell you this… it’s effective; both in earning money and climbing the SERPs. I will try and break this method down to every little detail so that you can get a clear picture of how I worked this angle and how it was effective for me.

Firstly, our “review blog” is going to be focused on dating, written by me in the first person. You need to grab a domain. Let’s say the domain is “HowJayGotLaid.com” or “SingleGuyInNY.com” or some variation of those… after all, in this instance, we are going after the dating market.

I would suggest you start with an “about me” page and do a write up to allow your visitors to really feel like they know you, the writer. You can work this a few different ways. I would do stories of how “I” had a hard time overcoming shyness and therefore decided to give online dating a chance and (of course) it was a “great success!” – It’s important to come off as a “work in progress” story and to mention that “I use this blog to document my success one date at a time – as a kind of personal dating diary” and “now I wanted to share my story with the world.” Include a picture (make sure you have permission if you’re going to be using other’s content) – this allows your visitors to put a name to a face.

From here, you can begin with the actual posts. I think its common sense to keep your affiliate links as discreet as possible. We’re writing this as though we’re writing in a personal diary, not spamming the hell out everyone. Some common blog topics and points of interests to help fill content:


-Clearly identifying your problem. “I was a shy guy, not bad looking; I just didn’t have any game. One day I decided to change that by cleaning up my act and seeing what online dating had to offer.” Tell some stories about how you shyly failed at meeting girls before this, in the real world. Or about how you’re getting older and all of your friends are getting married. Or how you have failed time and time again visiting the bar scene.

-How you came to joining Amateur Match or whatever site you decide to promote. “I googled a ton of different dating sites but I finally decided on joining xxxxxxx dating site because they have such and such features and they cater to adult dating and that’s something I might want to satisfy my needs, etc.” Ask one of your affiliate reps for a log-in so that you can accurately describe the unique features within the site.

-Justify paying for a dating membership in the first place. “I would spend my weekends buying videogames and playing those and I finally realized that for the same price of a videogame (if not less) I could at least be searching for girls in my area and allowing them to notice me!”

-How chatting online helped improve communication skills and talking to women in real life. “I was always so shy but I gained confidence chatting to women online from the comfort of my own home… I noticed that confidence stuck with me as I interacted with women in my everyday life.

-Benefits of being able to chat to more than one girl at a time. “The great thing about being a member on this site is that I can talk to as many girls as I want and see who I click with the best. In the real world this is almost impossible to get away with that!””

-Throw in a few stories about the funny messages you got from gay men trying to hit on you and how you laughed it off and politely denied them. Once again, we’re trying to make this as real as possible and not go for the direct sale. Going slightly off topic and including things like “well today I didn’t have any time to work on my game – my job at xxxx was just waaayyy too exhausting! I came home and went right to bed!” Or “Today Josh and I were playing basketball and he mentioned how annoying his girlfriend is, I hope I don’t end up that unhappy when I find one lol!"

-Give out advice on how you personally made your profile as appealing as possible. “I decided to not upload any of the drunken party pics of me and my buddies in college and instead went for a more subtle approach. I think it was a good choice so far. After all, at the end of the day, I’m looking for a girl I can bring home to mom, not just a one night stand! …Although, I’ll take what I can get!”

-Some of the dates I went on – “I decided to take Veronica to this little known coffee shop after she mentioned how much she loves a good cup of Joe…” and take it from there. Tell funny date stories, how hard you had to think about what to wear, what cologne you put on, how you had to clean your car beforehand to make sure it looked good etc.

-After meeting the girl. – “Well Veronica and I have went out on two dates so far…” and “here’s my next date idea ________ what do you guys think??” This lets your visitors interact with the blog, now they are chiming in and thus you now have repeat visitors to see if their idea was the one you used.

-Adding in the occasional fake comments to a question like the one above seems to help. Once again, just don’t make it totally obvious. This helps “group mentality.” If someone visits your site and see’s 18 comments on a post, it’s more likely that they’ll contribute something as well or react to a comment already on the post.

-Add in dating tips for other guys in the same boat as you. Tips and tricks you learned along the way and now you’re passing along to everyone. “I should have filled the gas tank up yesterday because I was five minutes late picking up Veronica! There was nothing I could do, it was either stop and get gas before picking her up or running it to empty later on in the night! Guys, don’t make the same mistake I did, she was pissed lol. But I made up for it by taking her to a movie she ended up loving!”
Ok, ok, you get the idea by now (hopefully).

With those topics above you could easily fill a blog with 20-30 posts over a period of time, if not more.

I would advise against placing banner ads on your blog. I would suggest sticking with only text links (but feel free to do it both ways to see how your traffic reacts to it). Sometimes people will come to your site and read every single word you post, other times they are lethargic and might only click on the flashy dating banner that caught their eye. Like I said, do a test and see how the clicks fluctuate.

The great thing about this method of sending traffic is that you can apply it to almost anything. Whether it’s adult, dating, mainstream; writing a blog can be done for almost any topic. The sky is the limit.

Jayvis 04-20-2010 10:22 AM

If you want to get really creative, write a blog like this from the perspective of a female. If I were to do this I would write it as a female who just moved to a new city for a new job, she works all the time so she doesn?t have free-time to find men on her own. Therefore, she joins xxxxxxx dating site and writes stories of the men she?s met and the dates she?s been on. Who wouldn?t want a female perspective of the dating scene and the in?s and out?s of what a woman wants? You could keep it as mainstream or as steamy as you wanted from that angle.

Or really switch up angles and write this from the perspective of an alpha-male who hooks-up with a new girl each week. Write it from the angle of ?I?m going to teach all of you nerdy idiots out there how to finally get women like a REAL man.? - You should have no problem getting a reaction from your visitors with that method. Your stories could be as outrageous as you wanted, there?s a lot of freedom in regards to writing from that perspective.

The only downside to doing all of this is that you cannot half-ass it. This is a blog you do not want to outsource to a writer. Your writing needs to flow and sound as real as possible. It also won?t get picked up in google right away, either. However, if you stick with it, put in the writing effort, target your keywords, etc. You will see the results in due time. I?d say an average post will take 20-30 minutes and needs updated at least once a week to keep visitors coming back to check on your progress.

Once you have your first blog properly updated and traffic seems consistent, you can steam roll this into sending traffic to other blogs. Create a post such as the following:
?I think the time has finally come! I?ve got my third date lined up with Veronica and I think I might get lucky this time. I?m not really confident in the bedroom but luckily I checked out some of the content on ?MyXXXBlog.com? (obviously a link to another blog you?ve created with some free content that links to any given sponsor program. ?By watching the videos they have, I was able to pick up some tips that may come in handy when the time is right??


?I wasn?t really comfortable with the size of my penis but I did something about it! I tried out these penis pills as recommended by ?PenisPillsBlog.com? and so far the results are incredible. Thanks PenisPillsBlog.com!? Now you?re sending traffic to dating, paysites, pill sponsors, etc. As I mentioned before, the sky is the limit. Just remember, we?re not here to spam them, we?re here to gain their trust and to build a solid reader-base. You want to be as non-intrusive as possible.

Although this article was fairly brief, I sincerely hope that it will help anyone new to spring in the right direction, regardless of whether they have technical or design skills. Essentially, if you can write well, then you can make money in this industry. Will you become a millionaire overnight? Not exactly, but you will begin to receive traffic that you can keep 100% in-house if you put in the time and dedication. It?s all about scalability and constant updates and creating new blogs. The truly ambitious will take the ground work I have laid out here and build upon it tenfold. It?s not about having one blog that receives 1,000 uniques a day (although that is a good goal to aim for) ? but you can also have ten blogs that receive 100 uniques a day and do just as well. Remember, quality over quantity when it comes to targeted traffic like this.

I hope this helped some of you (new or old) and as always, feel free to reach out to me directly:


About the author:
I got started in this industry around the age of 15-16, long before it was even legal for me to be viewing the content I was promoting (although at the time I was mainly involved in the non-nude niche so I suppose it was ok :winkwink:) I received my first check in the mail about a month after building my first free-site and I had to have my parents cash it for me (that was a nice conversation). After that I never looked back. Now at the age of 23, I devote all of my time to Dating Gold and helping affiliates in as many ways as possible. Although still young, I bring to the table eight years of experience and I still continue to learn new things every day.

myjah 04-20-2010 10:39 AM

Jayvis, thanks so much for participating in our Educational Series! This is wonderful info for newbies and those watching their pennies!

J-SiN 04-20-2010 11:08 AM

One of the better and more thoughtful Educational Series posts i've seen. Great job Jayvis!

Sid70 04-20-2010 11:31 AM

How long does it usually take to see money coming? How many blogs do you suggest running at a time to dtart earning say 1k a month?

Jayvis 04-20-2010 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Adultmix (Post 17056897)
How long does it usually take to see money coming? How many blogs do you suggest running at a time to dtart earning say 1k a month?

That part is up to you.

It easy to lay out a game plan, but it's a much different story to actually stick to the plan. Anyone can build five blogs and then sit back and wait for the money to roll in, but it doesn't work that way. You have to build and build, update and update, it's a never ending process and to be quite honest most people either lack the work ethic or just don't have the time to put into it.

Here is another case study showing the importance of building sites around newly launched paysites. I wrote that back in October and still continue to receive checks for just one simple site, no initial traffic in the beginning either... so my stats are actually greater than what you see there. And if you can't sell them to a paysite, put up some of our dating/webcam ads, the more you build, the more likely you'll get something to "stick".

I hope that helps answer your question?

You have to keep in mind that I don't even really run my own sites these days, I'm far too busy with Dating Gold (and happy to be doing so) - but I did that case study and this post to show you that anyone can step into this game and make money. There are still plenty of sales to be made, it's just a matter of whether you're willing to work for it or not?

Sid70 04-20-2010 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jayvis (Post 17056975)
That part is up to you.

It easy to lay out a game plan, but it's a much different story to actually stick to the plan. Anyone can build five blogs and then sit back and wait for the money to roll in, but it doesn't work that way. You have to build and build, update and update, it's a never ending process and to be quite honest most people either lack the work ethic or just don't have the time to put into it.

Here is another case study showing the importance of building sites around newly launched paysites. I wrote that back in October and still continue to receive checks for just one simple site, no initial traffic in the beginning either... so my stats are actually greater than what you see there. And if you can't sell them to a paysite, put up some of our dating/webcam ads, the more you build, the more likely you'll get something to "stick".

I hope that helps answer your question?

You have to keep in mind that I don't even really run my own sites these days, I'm far too busy with Dating Gold (and happy to be doing so) - but I did that case study and this post to show you that anyone can step into this game and make money. There are still plenty of sales to be made, it's just a matter of whether you're willing to work for it or not?

Ya, good and inspiring read. That was about it when i tried blogging and made $300, so I figured out that could really pay and still thre is a lot fo work to do to make it full time
business. My reality did not match your theory, but it was about it. So, i really can tell if someone is trying harder then I did it would bring some income eventually. Just gotta do it step by step.

Robocrop 04-20-2010 05:42 PM

Good post Jay, and yes its very true about the Wordpress part. Me myself learned alot about php when I started to reasembled wordpress themes and customized them to fit my needs.

Now I do the most customization on my own hand instead of hiring coders. Learn by doing is very good.

Thumbs up for this post.

Supz 04-20-2010 06:36 PM

good post Jay.

dropped9 04-20-2010 07:12 PM

Great post, great read... I book marked your blog too... Some great inspiration in this thread...

MrPotatoBread 04-20-2010 07:44 PM

Great post Jay.

alias 04-20-2010 07:58 PM

This will definitely work if followed, good tips.

Jayvis 04-20-2010 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Headless (Post 17058370)
Great post, great read... I book marked your blog too... Some great inspiration in this thread...

Thanks for the kind words so far. I wish I had more time to update my blog, there are so many case studies and ideas I'd love to put into words but at the end of the day I'm usually way too busy helping our affiliates (among other duties).

I was a little apprehensive about posting something like this in the first place. Mainly because GFY is such a hostile environment (especially toward affiliate reps) so I wasn't sure how you guys would react to a post like this. Then again, I wouldn't enjoy GFY nearly as much if it's wasn't so critical on everything. :winkwink: :1orglaugh

Also, most people read tutorials like this and think it's all "fluff" with no real substance. Hopefully people realize that this is not the case, especially when you can see my initial post and the stats of the link I posted above + many screenshots to back everything up.

Keep the feedback and questions coming! For better or worse! :pimp

Your Mothers Secret 04-20-2010 11:14 PM

Very nice contribution.
Looks like you put a lot of time and thought into your post.
Much appreciated. :thumbsup

Rankings 04-22-2010 07:10 AM

well thought out and written, ty for the post

martinsc 04-22-2010 09:06 AM

great read :thumbsup
Thank you.

Cyber Fucker 04-23-2010 06:15 PM

Nice read, thx for sharing! :)

izzynew 04-23-2010 07:00 PM

Great read. :thumbsup
No questions, as I think you lay it all out pretty clear in the original posts, and in your answer to Adultmix, for anyone who wants to put in the effort.
Thanks :)

LoveSandra 04-24-2010 02:53 AM

Great post

Horny Joe 04-24-2010 11:14 AM

Great read! Trying to find a suiting domain now and try like this! I am just afraid that I can't keep it "cool" but bombard with banners and links :) But i will try... One banner and then some links here and there.....

joshuak 04-24-2010 03:12 PM

Thanks for the post. Really appreciate it!

NextBigTube 04-24-2010 04:04 PM

Wow What a co-incidence!

Just registered Porn Blogroll and came to GFY to check out any blog related posts, since I have never done blogs/blog related stuff before, even though a slightly different subject.

Thanks Jayvis and Thanks GFY! Very informative indeed!

fatfoo 04-24-2010 06:21 PM

Great post about blog traffic.

Kolargol 04-25-2010 12:17 AM

Sounds like it should work, for English native speakers at least.

Horny Joe 04-25-2010 09:09 AM

Got myself a domain, http://www.euroxdate.com/ and using ulust as sponsor, st least for now. I tried to fill the post with keywords, but the story, well.... But I guess not so many will read :D Anyway, I have started. Let's see if I will have any success :)

Sarah_Jayne 04-26-2010 07:40 AM

Good stuff :)

Mr. Romance 04-26-2010 07:43 AM

very nice:)

Mr. Romance

Jayvis 04-26-2010 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Horny Joe (Post 17072733)
Got myself a domain, http://www.euroxdate.com/ and using ulust as sponsor, st least for now. I tried to fill the post with keywords, but the story, well.... But I guess not so many will read :D Anyway, I have started. Let's see if I will have any success :)

Looks like a solid start.

Make sure you focus harder on the blog titles incorporating better keywords. Same with the catagories of your blog.

Speaking of keywords, research what you should be targeting with your blog - know whats hot now and whats not.

For example: http://www.google.com/insights/searc...0dating&cmpt=q - This is a great tool, notice that "college dating tips" is rising quickly at +60% - The college angle could be a great starting point as a blogger.

Currently this thread has 460+ views and only 26 replies - I don't know if thats good or bad. :1orglaugh

travs 05-01-2010 06:16 AM

this is a goldmine of info and now my mind is playing alot of ideas. Thanks man

Jayvis 05-04-2010 01:25 PM

Forgot to mention expanding your persona to things like Twitter and other social sites really helps. Updating twitter takes about five minutes a week.

djtomcat 05-13-2010 09:37 AM

Very good post will.

digitman 05-25-2010 02:20 PM

excellent post.... thanks

johnuno11 05-28-2010 04:08 AM

good post, I have a great ebook with no remakes I just made, unique and just made today.

Raf1 05-31-2010 06:15 AM

interesting read. Thanks :thumbsup

kisskurves 07-07-2010 02:04 PM

Good tip. Like this approach!

jabula 09-17-2010 01:11 PM

Great tips for blogs :)
Very educational, thanks!

bizarrechris 09-20-2010 05:28 AM

great read. Thank you:)

adultflash 09-24-2010 10:04 AM

nice post THX

2intense 11-07-2010 12:11 AM

excellent post. I follow some of this myself.

Chezter 11-22-2010 03:24 PM

Hmm maybe I'll give it a try, but since I'm not native speaker, I'll write from position of someone who has just arrived to US or something like that, looks like fun.

Veggetto 11-22-2010 07:20 PM

I'd love to do this but it's not gonna be easy to outsource. Or if I do get it outsourced the quality will be horrible.

Leshansom 12-03-2010 07:32 AM

This is a great post and good for writers like me to get business. However, although i always want more business, i would stress that anyone starting a blog try to keep it up and do it themselves. This way you get an identity and a theme that people may actually end up enjoying; if you employ a load of different, poor quality writers to do your blog, not only will it cost a fortune, but you'll also get substandard content. Many writers will only do what they have to and no more!

Watch out for these guys!

Keep writing and make your blog interesting to read, you'll convert much more traffic this way. Text links are really good too, i agree.

Django 12-17-2010 06:27 AM

nice read, thanks

thedalmation 12-21-2010 08:15 PM

ive heard blogs are dead....any thoughts?

Jayvis 12-28-2010 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by thedalmation (Post 17791916)
ive heard blogs are dead....any thoughts?

Just checking in on this thread, thanks for the feedback so far everyone.

Blogs are far from dead... I've had untouched blogs for years that still have page 1 spots on Google for nice keywords.

If anyone needs advice anytime... don't be shy. My ICQ is usually always on, just leave me a message and I'll be sure to get back to you. :)

angelicka 12-30-2010 10:49 PM

My Pouty Lips
Thanks for sharing.
I find myself in exactly this situation, and did almost the same as you did. Although my blog is not a dating site, but features erotica stories.
I do have over 30 original posts now, quite a few comments, etc. But I think I still have room for improvement. I wouldn't mind that you take a look at my blog (please see in my sig) and that you give me your feedback on it.
Thank you for that!




Originally Posted by Jayvis (Post 17056635)
Dating Blog Traffic on a Budget

I am writing this piece in response to the overwhelming number of individuals that have a limited knowledge of the adult industry but have ambition and are willing to put in the effort; they just need a little coaching in order to place their best foot forward.

I can?t begin to express how many times I receive an email or ICQ along the lines of ?How can I begin earning money with little to no start-up costs?? This in itself is a tough question to answer. It?s very difficult to build traffic with absolutely zero investment, but over the years I have found the following to be the best way to build organic traffic on a budget. These days it?s not exactly easy to slap together a simple page and rake in the money, but with a little bit of hard work and dedication, you can begin to ramp up search engine traffic in due time. Just remember, Rome wasn?t built in a day.

The typical ?newbie? affiliate may not have a firm grasp on installing a complex tube or TGP script and they may lack the designer know-how of creating a beautiful page. Without that knowledge, both tasks can be costly to hand off to someone else. With that said, I am a firm believer in Wordpress as an easy, overall solution to starting a website. Whether you?re a novice or an industry veteran, Wordpress is free, simple to install, and highly customizable. If you?re brand new to Wordpress, a few hours inside the admin area will have you feeling very comfortable and familiar with the way it works. Even if you?re feeling apprehensive about installing Wordpress yourself, you can always rely on just about any virtual hosting company to do it for you, as most have the ability to do one-click installs which saves you a lot of the technical headaches.

I won?t focus on the many ways to make your blog the most eye-catching or tell you about the best plug-ins. Instead, I?d like to jump right into discussing some of the methods I have used in the past for garnering search engine traffic. So with that said, let?s assume that you have Wordpress installed, you have a theme you?re happy with and you?re ready to begin publishing content.

The first method I would like to share involves writing a blog as a typical dating site user, almost in a ?review? sense. It boils down to writing about your experience with a product. Is it a new idea? Not at all. Is it saturated? Depending on who you talk to, just about any affiliate method is ?saturated? but I?ll tell you this? it?s effective; both in earning money and climbing the SERPs. I will try and break this method down to every little detail so that you can get a clear picture of how I worked this angle and how it was effective for me.

Firstly, our ?review blog? is going to be focused on dating, written by me in the first person. You need to grab a domain. Let?s say the domain is ?HowJayGotLaid.com? or ?SingleGuyInNY.com? or some variation of those? after all, in this instance, we are going after the dating market.

I would suggest you start with an ?about me? page and do a write up to allow your visitors to really feel like they know you, the writer. You can work this a few different ways. I would do stories of how ?I? had a hard time overcoming shyness and therefore decided to give online dating a chance and (of course) it was a ?great success!? ? It?s important to come off as a ?work in progress? story and to mention that ?I use this blog to document my success one date at a time ? as a kind of personal dating diary? and ?now I wanted to share my story with the world.? Include a picture (make sure you have permission if you?re going to be using other?s content) ? this allows your visitors to put a name to a face.

From here, you can begin with the actual posts. I think its common sense to keep your affiliate links as discreet as possible. We?re writing this as though we?re writing in a personal diary, not spamming the hell out everyone. Some common blog topics and points of interests to help fill content:

Ok, ok, you get the idea by now (hopefully).

With those topics above you could easily fill a blog with 20-30 posts over a period of time, if not more.

I would advise against placing banner ads on your blog. I would suggest sticking with only text links (but feel free to do it both ways to see how your traffic reacts to it). Sometimes people will come to your site and read every single word you post, other times they are lethargic and might only click on the flashy dating banner that caught their eye. Like I said, do a test and see how the clicks fluctuate.

The great thing about this method of sending traffic is that you can apply it to almost anything. Whether it?s adult, dating, mainstream; writing a blog can be done for almost any topic. The sky is the limit.

Jayvis 02-07-2011 04:11 PM


This got picked up by The Fubar Times for their print publication. I had no idea until someone texted me this picture while they were at the Xbiz LA 2011 event. Thanks Fubar! :)

Hopefully I can get around to writing up some more items later on down the road!

{Psycho} 02-12-2011 02:52 PM

Awesome Mate ... i have read entirely

Thx for the tutorial

mukeshsnp 07-09-2011 03:22 AM

great post, really helpful

dc0ded 07-20-2011 03:07 AM

nice read . very educational. learnt a lot . thank you very much. looking forward to listening a lot from you.

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