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Supercreator_Tom 06-27-2023 09:43 AM

Spend-based PPV Pricing For OnlyFans Content
Spend-Based Pricing For OnlyFans PPV Sales

Hey all - long time lurker (w/o an account) and first time poster, so figured my first post might as well be something useful!

Tom from Supercreator (search for Supercreator OnlyFans AI on Google, still can't post links) here - we’ve got 15K+ creators and hundreds of agencies using our OnlyFans AI Software to work faster, sell more and automate as much as possible of the tedious work of managing models.

An Introduction To Spend-Based Pricing

One of our core principles here at Supercreator is the idea of spend-based pricing. To sum it up in one sentence, it’s about making sure you price your PPV content not by the content itself, but by the past spend (and likelihood of future spend) of the fan. Let’s look through an example to make more sense of this concept:

Let’s assume that your model just shot her weekly lingerie set, including both preview pics and full nudes, with a 5-second preview clip and two 1-minute long-form videos.

Usually, models price their content according to two factors:
1. By the type of media - i.e. whether it’s a picture, a set, a video, a voice recording, etc…
2. By the “spiciness” of the content - i.e. whether it’s SFW, top node, bottom nude, full nude, etc…

So a pic will go for $19, a set for $29, and the long-form video will go for $59. This is fine and well, until you give a little bit of thinking to the way most fans consume their content:

1. They’re exposed to the model, then subscribe to her
2. A relationship builds over messaging
3. At some point (usually early on) the fan is exposed to some sort of PPV content at a specific price point.
4. The fan is then “locked” to this price point for the rest of the engagement, expecting the same type of content to cost roughly the same in the future.

So essentially, form now on, the fan will only pay $59 for a video. But, is that the right price point for a video? If we price a piece of content high enough so it brings us cash but low enough so that most fans still buy we should be good to go, right?

Not quite.

Play The Man, Not The Content

After working with models and agency owners for a while, we realized many of them fall prey to this notion of “Static Pricing” - i.e. pricing on content and not on the fan.

It’s really important to understand that fan spend varies significantly according to many different categories:

1. Their location in the world (western Europe pays more than eastern Europe, North America pays more than South America, Australians are notoriously cheap)
2. Their role in society (high-spenders can come from any social-economic standing, but tech people spend more than blue-collar people, managers spend more than employees)
3. Their family status (married people spend about the same as non-married people, but married people without children spend more than married people with children)
4. Their age (older people tend to spend less on the platform than younger people, up to a range - when we reach the 50+ age range numbers tend to flip the other way around)

And much much more. So essentially, if you’re sending the same piece of content to different people, you should be setting different price points for each of them.

But how does that actually work like in practice?

Spend-based Pricing In Practice

Our experience suggests that, for the average chatter, this is just too much to do at once. They’re already required to do nuanced sales work with each fan and remember everything there is to know about each of them, so now we’re asking them to also do price adjustments per fan? Too much work.

Instead, we created an AI model that analyzes the behaviour of each fan according to dozens of parameters (including their previous spend, previous spend of other similar fans in your account, their latest messaging history and more). It’s called PriceGuard™, and you can get it by signing up to the tool (URL at the start of the post - 14 days free trial, no credit card!).

If you still want to do it manually, though, a few pointers:

1. Start “bucketing” your fans into different segments - Who lives where? Who has children? Who works in tech? etc…
2. Start labelling your fans correctly - you can use the OnlyFans Notes features, but it requires an extra click and is limited to 200 characters. We’ve got a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software that shows up automatically next to each fan’s chat and has an unlimited notes section. It’s a great help when doing the labelling
3. Swap price points as you go along, and perform what’s known as “Price Gauging” - figure out what the right price point for each “bucket” is, and then use it in the future for similar fans.

In Summary
Hope you liked this brief guide - we’ve got a ton of other data-backed info in our blog and I’ll try and come back to writing here whenever I can.

Peace out until then!

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