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updated 08-20-2014 09:25 AM

Anybody from Russia here ?!
I'm asking this because I'm very curious about some figures that I've just read in an article.
There they say that the percent of the population that trust Putin in his actions and way to lead the country has increased from 61% to 82% in the last months. I, personally don't believe that is true. But maybe you guys who live there can confirm or infirm this on what you know from friends and family.
So how is it ?!

Markul 08-20-2014 09:29 AM

oh this should be good..........

dehash 08-20-2014 09:30 AM

Population of Russia is ~143 000 000. Go figure it out, agencies usually ask 1000 random people. Do you expect someone will ask dozen friends and family members and will confirm 82% number or will tell it is BS? Lol you funny

updated 08-20-2014 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by dehash (Post 20198525)
Population of Russia is ~143 000 000. Go figure it out, agencies usually ask 1000 random people. Do you expect someone will ask dozen friends and family members and will confirm 82% number or will tell it is BS? Lol you funny

I'm curious on the general opinion of webmasters who are active (more or less) here. Of course that I don't expect all the russian users to start making poll's on the street..LOL..you're funny too :D

aka123 08-20-2014 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by updated (Post 20198518)
I'm asking this because I'm very curious about some figures that I've just read in an article.
There they say that the percent of the population that trust Putin in his actions and way to lead the country has increased from 61% to 82% in the last months. I, personally don't believe that is true. But maybe you guys who live there can confirm or infirm this on what you know from friends and family.
So how is it ?!

Harashoo, comrad. My trust to Putin really has increased from 61 % to 82 %, I can confirm that. +-1 %

Oh.. I am not Russian, this research got biased at it's first steps.

Rochard 08-20-2014 09:40 AM

I have a lot of friends in Ukraine. What's funny is - being a dumb American - I always thought Ukraine was still part of Russia.

I don't believe any of the propaganda coming out of Russia - at all. At rt.com they have people leaving the jobs and claiming how the news they print is fake. Don't see that anywhere else.

MaDalton 08-20-2014 09:42 AM

when you watch only Russian TV, i'd totally believe that

that's just like believing Obama is the black devil when only watching Fox News

just a punk 08-20-2014 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by updated (Post 20198518)
I'm asking this because I'm very curious about some figures that I've just read in an article.
There they say that the percent of the population that trust Putin in his actions and way to lead the country has increased from 61% to 82% in the last months. I, personally don't believe that is true.

Yes, that's true. The ukrainian revolution made Putin highly popular there. Those monkeys from "Maidan" like MrDiez made just great job for Putin. Especilly those who died there for Poroshenko (another ukrainian thief/oligarch) and Putin. Because only those two guys are real winners now.

P.S. But to be fair... Regular Russians are being tired of all that orkainian shit. Because it's just.. too boring (one blah-blah-blah gang of barbarians kilned another blah-blah-blah gang on the okraine yesterday, blah-blah... who fuckin' cares?) :2 cents:

aka123 08-20-2014 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by CyberSEO (Post 20198562)
P.S. But to be fair... Regular Russians are being tired of all that orkainian shit. Because it's just.. too boring (one blah-blah-blah gang of barbarians kilned another blah-blah-blah gang on the okraine yesterday, blah-blah... who fuckin' cares?) :2 cents:

Putin seems to care about Ukraine. And being the "tsar" and all, that is really what counts.

Rob 08-20-2014 10:40 AM

I have a friend from Georgia and he can't stand the Russians. He even told me that everyone in Atlanta hates Russia, too. He asked.

ZiggiZiggiCrew 08-20-2014 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by updated (Post 20198518)
... from 61% to 82% in the last months...

not true, from 75% to 82% in the last months (+7% after food embargo)
but from 30% (before Crimea) to 82% at now

BabeHunter 08-20-2014 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Rob (Post 20198640)
I have a friend from Georgia and he can't stand the Russians. He even told me that everyone in Atlanta hates Russia, too. He asked.


L-Pink 08-20-2014 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Rob (Post 20198640)
I have a friend from Georgia and he can't stand the Russians. He even told me that everyone in Atlanta hates Russia, too. He asked.


k0nr4d 08-20-2014 12:07 PM

I've got a question too for russians actually, was gonna start a thread about this.

What is the reality of how the sanctions have affected day to day life? Here media is showing empty shelves in grocery stores in russia etc. Is it really like this? Is it limited to certain areas like kaliningrad (which probably imports everything) and they are blowing it up to look like it's all of russia?

Paul&John 08-20-2014 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 20198760)
I've got a question too for russians actually, was gonna start a thread about this.

What is the reality of how the sanctions have affected day to day life? Here media is showing empty shelves in grocery stores in russia etc. Is it really like this? Is it limited to certain areas like kaliningrad (which probably imports everything) and they are blowing it up to look like it's all of russia?

Not sure if true, but I've read today that it's still possible to import goods to Belarus (which is in some sort of trade union with Russia/Kazakhstan..) and so when it's already there then there is no problem to send it further to Russia..

editeur 08-20-2014 02:36 PM

I'm Russian. It seems like everyone who watch TV went batshit crazy. It took just a couple of month to completely wash their brains out. Quite scary to see seemingly normal people turning into zombies, but it could be entertaining if you have some naturalist vein in you.
Those who don't watch it still more or less sane.
So not sure about 84%, but it very well could be true. Or not, nobody knows. My friends mostly don't watch tv so they are sane.

About the sanctions. Economy came to halt moths before the sanctions, seems like the sanctions haven't changed anything much yet. I've filled up my fridge with Italian Parmesan, should be enough till October or November. Less variety in markets. Some food prices, like meat etc go up with accelerating speed, but nothing catastrophic yet, we've been having over 6% inflation for years,and food prices inflation was even higher, I'd say above 20% yearly.
We'll see, but I doubt the sanctuons will be effective unless Europe stops buying oil.

upd: I think all this crisis is just a cover up operation for deteriorating state economy. Now putin and his gang just can say that it's like not their fault and not because state corruption, it's the sanctions and the West.

dehash 08-20-2014 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by aka123 (Post 20198627)
Putin seems to care about Ukraine. And being the "tsar" and all, that is really what counts.

When USSR was about to place rockets in Cuba for some reason the USA didn't like it...Cuba was free to do whatever they wanted to, even let USSR to keep rockets on their ground. But when US and allies trying to get closer to Russia borders, then USA says it is not Russia business what is going on in Ukraine. I see it that way. Just politics. ALL of them are dirty bastards.

Rob 08-20-2014 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by editeur (Post 20198941)
I'm Russian. It seems like everyone who watch TV went batshit crazy. It took just a couple of month to completely wash their brains out. Quite scary to see seemingly normal people turning into zombies, but it could be entertaining if you have some naturalist vein in you.
Those who don't watch it still more or less sane.
So not sure about 84%, but it very well could be true. Or not, nobody knows. My friends mostly don't watch tv so they are sane.

About the sanctions. Economy came to halt moths before the sanctions, seems like the sanctions haven't changed anything much yet. I've filled up my fridge with Italian Parmesan, should be enough till October or November. Less variety in markets. Some food prices, like meat etc go up with accelerating speed, but nothing catastrophic yet, we've been having over 6% inflation for years,and food prices inflation was even higher, I'd say above 20% yearly.
We'll see, but I doubt the sanctuons will be effective unless Europe stops buying oil.

upd: I think all this crisis is just a cover up operation for deteriorating state economy. Now putin and his gang just can say that it's like not their fault and not because state corruption, it's the sanctions and the West.

Very insightful, thanks! :thumbsup

k0nr4d 08-20-2014 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Paul&John (Post 20198858)
Not sure if true, but I've read today that it's still possible to import goods to Belarus (which is in some sort of trade union with Russia/Kazakhstan..) and so when it's already there then there is no problem to send it further to Russia..

Yes, they still import goods from outside of the EU *BUT* I would imagine it's just as hard to cover all of the food needs of a country that large when so much of thier food was imported. On the news here it says that people from kaliningrad (for those that don't know - russian enclave attached to poland somewhat like how alaska is attached to canada) are basically doing grocery shopping in poland and driving back over border with trunks full of food because there is nothing on store shelves there at all anymore.

Paul&John 08-20-2014 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by editeur (Post 20198941)
I'm Russian. It seems like everyone who watch TV went batshit crazy. It took just a couple of month to completely wash their brains out. Quite scary to see seemingly normal people turning into zombies, but it could be entertaining if you have some naturalist vein in you.
Those who don't watch it still more or less sane.
So not sure about 84%, but it very well could be true. Or not, nobody knows. My friends mostly don't watch tv so they are sane.

About the sanctions. Economy came to halt moths before the sanctions, seems like the sanctions haven't changed anything much yet. I've filled up my fridge with Italian Parmesan, should be enough till October or November. Less variety in markets. Some food prices, like meat etc go up with accelerating speed, but nothing catastrophic yet, we've been having over 6% inflation for years,and food prices inflation was even higher, I'd say above 20% yearly.
We'll see, but I doubt the sanctuons will be effective unless Europe stops buying oil.

upd: I think all this crisis is just a cover up operation for deteriorating state economy. Now putin and his gang just can say that it's like not their fault and not because state corruption, it's the sanctions and the West.

Nice thanks for the info.


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 20199311)
Yes, they still import goods from outside of the EU *BUT* I would imagine it's just as hard to cover all of the food needs of a country that large when so much of thier food was imported. On the news here it says that people from kaliningrad (for those that don't know - russian enclave attached to poland somewhat like how alaska is attached to canada) are basically doing grocery shopping in poland and driving back over border with trunks full of food because there is nothing on store shelves there at all anymore.

Yeah of course that's doable if you are in Kaliningrad or in Russia close to let's say Finland, but if you are deep inside then.... you can be fucked :)

aka123 08-21-2014 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by dehash (Post 20199182)
When USSR was about to place rockets in Cuba for some reason the USA didn't like it...Cuba was free to do whatever they wanted to, even let USSR to keep rockets on their ground. But when US and allies trying to get closer to Russia borders, then USA says it is not Russia business what is going on in Ukraine. I see it that way. Just politics. ALL of them are dirty bastards.

Those "rockets" were nuclear missiles. At the same time USA had similar in Turkey. End result, both parties withdraw the nukes.

Ukraine is a free country and can choose it's own allies, being some fucking Martians if they like. The whole Cuban crisis even wasn't about Cuba being in communist block, it was about the nukes. Not comparable.

You are talking about seriously restricting some country's freedom (or taking it totally) in the name of other countrie's power plays. I cannot accept the whole fucking concept. That doesn't stop it happening, but at least I don't have to pretend to be okay with it.

editeur 08-21-2014 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by aka123 (Post 20199373)
you are talking about seriously restricting some country's freedom (or taking it totally) in the name of other countrie's power plays. I cannot accept the whole fucking concept.

when you powerful enough you can do anything. And resistance only makes penis harder.

aka123 08-21-2014 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by editeur (Post 20199377)
when you powerful enough you can do anything. And resistance only makes penis harder.

I haven't seen a single country that could singe handedly have the end results it wants. Trying to do/ achieve is a different matter. Yes, we can all do that.

editeur 08-21-2014 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by aka123 (Post 20199381)
I haven't seen a single country that could singe handedly have the end results it wants. Trying to do/ achieve is a different matter. Yes, we can all do that.

And I have. It's called 'USA'. If you think that limitrophes like Poland or Baltic states or even Germany or France matter much for US, you do a mistake. Boss is boss and his bitches are his bitches. Boss makes desisions, bitches comply and pay tribute for defence. If you powerful wnough you can do anything. And as it looks like US cannot project its' power far enough, Russia can do anything near its borders without any serious punishment. I'm sure if we decided we wanted to occupy Poland or Baltics NATO wouldn't start a war. And there won't be any serious sanctions. EU made laughing stock of itself with its empty sanctions threats and doing nothing. Putin had to impose sanctions (that really matter) on its coutry himself with the ban of the food, what a shame, because, like, he did expect sanctions should have been more serious.

aka123 08-21-2014 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by editeur (Post 20199385)
And I have. It's called 'USA'. If you think that limitrophes like Poland or Baltic states or even Germany or France matter much for US, you do a mistake. Boss is boss and his bitches are his bitches. Boss makes desisions, bitches comply and pay tribute for defence. If you powerful wnough you can do anything. And as it looks like US cannot project its' power far enough, Russia can do anything near its borders without any serious punishment. I'm sure if we decided we wanted to occupy Poland or Baltics NATO wouldn't start a war. And there won'r be any serious sanctions. EU made laughing stock of itself with its empty sanctions threats and doing nothing. Putin had to impose sanctions (that really matter) on its coutry himself with the ban of the food, what a shame, because, like, he did expect sanctions should have been more serious.

LOL. Like it would matter that much what something matters to USA and for Russia either. And like I said, doing anything is far from achieving anything. In this order: Russia hasn't done that, Soviet Union hasn't done that, Russia hasn't done that, and neither USA has done that.

You just have some fucking illusion about power. Yeaa, Russia (I imagine you waving Russia's flag), patriotic, yeaaa!! Go Putin, go!

editeur 08-21-2014 02:34 AM

Nope, I don't wave the flag, and it could be seen easily if you read my first post in this thread. I wonder why you didn't do this. But it's not because I have any illusions about some 'country freedoms' or other fantasy stuff. It's because making Ukraine our enemy is not in our interests, and this conflict just reinforces Putin and his power, whom I hate wholeheartedly. But when I read about 'country freedoms' especially from someone who is not from a country powerful enough to stand for its freedom and impose it's will... I just laugh. It does not work this way, and newer did.

just a punk 08-21-2014 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by aka123 (Post 20198627)
Putin seems to care about Ukraine. And being the "tsar" and all, that is really what counts.

He is senile old man and this is the last of his term.

yobtsubmit 08-21-2014 02:36 AM

Empty shelves you can see at stores like Prisma, K-Ruoka (which are Finnish and sold mostly Finnish products) and some stores that sold only products from EU (prices there are usually much higher and affordable only by rich people) other stores just replaced EU products with Russian, Belorussian or products from countries not in sanctions list. Those stores are mostly in St-Petersburg and Moscow. Stores in other cities mostly filled with Russian or products from countries that were not banned so situation there didn't change a lot.
I was at store yesterday and picked products I usually buy and looked at country of origin - most of them from countries that are not in sanctions list. The only product I usually by that is not Russian is cheese but I guess it will not be a big lost for me.
In my opinion only rich people who bought EU products will be affected by this measures. Other people whose salaries are not so high were buying and will buy the same not banned products. But the thing is that prices may go up because companies of course wanna take advantage of this situation and earn some dirty money. Here comes the time for authorities to carefully look for increase rate of prices.

just a punk 08-21-2014 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by L-Pink (Post 20198758)

You are laughing now, but it was a real fun to read the US Georgian boards (yeah Atlanta etc) where the local citizens were afraid of Russian tanks for real. Some frickin' crazy people live in there :upsidedow

just a punk 08-21-2014 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 20198760)
What is the reality of how the sanctions have affected day to day life?

They don't. Today I'll go to the nearest food market (it's located in the same building where I live). I'll make a few photos and post them to this thread.

P.S. I have no idea what your television shows however. Perhaps it's like the old good Cold War times - shameless lies and propaganda only :2 cents:

aka123 08-21-2014 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by editeur (Post 20199403)
Nope, I don't wave the flag, and it could be seen easily if you read my first post in this thread. I wonder why you didn't do this. But it's not because I have any illusions about some 'country freedoms' or other fantasy stuff. It's because making Ukraine our enemy is not in our interests, and this conflict just reinforces Putin and his power, whom I hate wholeheartedly. But when I read about 'country freedoms' especially from someone who is not from a country powerful enough to stand for its freedom and impose it's will... I just laugh. It does not this way, and newer did.

You seem enough brainwashed if you ask me.

Countries freedom is idea, political objective and also internationally enforced matter. It hasn't to do with the fact that can countries defend their freedom or not. Freedom is a right (defined by humans), just as peoples freedom. You can take the peoples freedom also, but there will always be the concept of freedom. Maybe this is not familiar concept to russians, to the good old fashioned serfs.

By the way, my country has stood for it's freedom, and will continue to do so, thank you very much.

k0nr4d 08-21-2014 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by editeur (Post 20199385)
I'm sure if we decided we wanted to occupy Poland or Baltics NATO wouldn't start a war.

I don't think it would play out like that. Either NATO *would* start a war, or it would disband completely immediately after that because it would show to all of it's member countries that they are completely on their own. It would also have huge implications for the EU as well, since all estonia, latvia, lithuania and poland are all member states and again would show every single member state of this "united europe" that they are completely on their own if shit hits the fan... :2 cents:

editeur 08-21-2014 02:48 AM

You do dream a lot, man. Too bad when dreams and imagination contradict observed facts. This is called 'cognitive dissonance'. - this was for aka123


I don't think it would play out like that. Either NATO *would* start a war, or it would disband completely immediately after that because it would show to all of it's member countries that they are completely on their own. It would also have huge implications for the EU as well, since all estonia, latvia, lithuania and poland are all member states and again would show every single member state of this "united europe" that they are completely on their own if shit hits the fan...
US _guaranteed_ territorial integrity of Ukraine when Ukraine got rid of its huge nuclear arsenal. Guaranteed and did nothing to protect UA according to the treaty. EU countries did even less.

k0nr4d 08-21-2014 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by editeur (Post 20199415)

US _guaranteed_ territorial integrity of Ukraine when Ukraine got rid of its huge nuclear arsenal. Guaranteed and did nothing to protect UA according to the treaty. EU countries did even less.

We'll have to agree to disagree - it's not an even comparison. This is two parties agreeing to protect one party, whereas NATO and the EU are all parties agreeing to protect each other... but like I said, I don't know if they'd actually come to defend anything - but I am certain that NOT doing so would have reprecussions on the entire integrity of NATO and the EU as a whole - they'd fall apart. Also keep in mind that if Poland for instance is invaded, Germany and western europe will have a flood of immigrants + is suddenly next to an aggressor as well.

editeur 08-21-2014 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by k0nr4d (Post 20199421)
We'll have to agree to disagree - it's not an even comparison. This is two parties agreeing to protect one party, whereas NATO and the EU are all parties agreeing to protect each other... but like I said, I don't know if they'd actually come to defend anything - but I am certain that NOT doing so would have reprecussions on the entire integrity of NATO and the EU as a whole - they'd fall apart.

You might be right... or not. Who knows. I think there wouldn't be any repercussions though - the NATO will just pretend that the new members weren't 'real' members and the real NATO is its founding members from the West Europe, US, AU etc, and when someone attack the 'real' members NATO do stand for them and do something. They will even find some snake word for this - not 'betrayal' but something like 'quantitative easing', hehe. Because the NATO countries bar the US and maybe UK won't have any choice anyway - they are not enough independent to ask questions. There will be short sanctions for the time of active warfare, then sanctions will be lifted to allow businesses make profit to keep ths 2.5% growth and make population happy. The population, which couldn't care less for people in other countries. Also there's no alternative for the Russian gas anyway yet, and won't be for any foreseable future.

Antonio 08-21-2014 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by editeur (Post 20199425)
You might be right... or not. Who knows. I think there wouldn't be any repercussions though - the NATO will just pretend that the new members weren't 'real' members and the real NATO is its founding members from the West Europe, US, AU etc, and when someone attack the 'real' members NATO do stand for them and do something. They will even find some snake word for this - not 'betrayal' but something like 'quantitative easing', hehe. Because the NATO countries bar the US and maybe UK won't have any choice anyway - they are not enough independent to ask questions. There will be short sanctions for the time of active warfare, then sanctions will be lifted to allow businesses make profit to keep ths 2.5% growth and make population happy. The population, which couldn't care less for people in other countries. Also there's no alternative for the Russian gas anyway yet, and won't be for any foreseable future.

And then? What the fuck are you going on about? If Russia enters (attacks) a NATO country? Yes, most analyzers agree that unless its one of the "core" members, NATO would not dare strike back since its risking a nuclear war.

On the other hand, can you bet your life on it? Or the existence of your entire nation? The Russians with their 99% approval of a dictator with a tiny dick just need to remember how many people they lost last time we had a lunatic in Europe. Yet they fail to see that little piece of shit for what he really is just because it?s one of their own?

editeur 08-21-2014 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by Antonio (Post 20199432)
And then? What the fuck are you going on about? If Russia enters (attacks) a NATO country? Yes, most analyzers agree that unless its one of the "core" members, NATO would not dare strike back since its risking a nuclear war.

On the other hand, can you bet your life on it? Or the existence of your entire nation? The Russians with their 99% approval of a dictator with a tiny dick just need to remember how many people they lost last time we had a lunatic in Europe. Yet they fail to see that little piece of shit for what he really is just because it?s one of their own?

I hope never. Russia don't need this anyway. It even does not nedd the Donbass with its aged industry and low quality population. The goal is instablity in Ukraine and destruction of nfrastucture.
This is just a speculation.

evy97 08-21-2014 04:31 AM


just a punk 08-21-2014 04:53 AM

The pictures I made today in the nearest food store:









Aka_Bluey 08-21-2014 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by aka123 (Post 20198627)
Putin seems to care about Ukraine. And being the "tsar" and all, that is really what counts.

Look at u of late gobbing on, whoosh's fake nick are u?

Aka_Bluey 08-21-2014 05:03 AM

If u really want to point across, put the $ into USD.

Paul&John 08-21-2014 05:13 AM

looks like a Billa store

Paul&John 08-21-2014 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by evy97 (Post 20199462)

And it could be a lot more if Russia wouldn't export only (mainly) his mineral resources:

Russia?s Top 10 Exports

The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in Russian global shipments during 2013. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of overall exports from Russia.
Mineral fuels including oil: $304,559,452,000 (57.9% of total exports)
Iron and steel: $20,050,729,000 (3.8%)
Pearls, gems, precious metals and coins: $14,367,047,000 (2.7%)
Fertilizers: $9,119,157,000 (1.7%)
Machinery: $8,815,393,000 (1.7%)
Wood: $7,324,251,000 (1.4%)
Aluminum: $7,181,742,000 (1.4%)
Inorganic chemicals: $5,009,209,000 (1%)
Copper: $4,962,945,000 (0.9%)
Electronic equipment: $4,914,638,000 (0.9%)

So nothing to really brag about, if there won't be that much oil/gas then the whole country would be greatly fucked.. oh and similar figures can be seen at most of the countries turning from the communist economic system to free trade (so the old soviet block).

just a punk 08-21-2014 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by Paul&John (Post 20199497)
looks like a Billa store

Yes it is :pimp

just a punk 08-21-2014 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Aka_Bluey (Post 20199493)
If u really want to point across, put the $ into USD.

What for? It's all about "empty shelves" in Russian food stores.

just a punk 08-21-2014 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by Paul&John (Post 20199504)
So nothing to really brag about, if there won't be that much oil/gas then the whole country would be greatly fucked.. oh and similar figures can be seen at most of the countries turning from the communist economic system to free trade (so the old soviet block).

Not quite correct. I think that natural resources is more a course than an advantage for Russia. They allow the thieves like Putin and his gangsta friends to rip-off my country and move the money to the West. Hell, even their kids live on the West. They (the thieves like Putin and Co) are not interested in development of Russia. The only thing they want is short money to steal and run.

aka123 08-21-2014 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by CyberSEO (Post 20199483)
The pictures I made today in the nearest food store:

There seems to be lot of "sanction stuff".

Paul&John 08-21-2014 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by CyberSEO (Post 20199522)
Not quite correct. I think that natural resources is more a course than an advantage for Russia. They allow the thieves like Putin and his gangsta friends to rip-off my country and move the money to the West. Hell, even their kids live on the West. They (the thieves like Putin and Co) are not interested in development of Russia. The only thing they want is short money to steal and run.

Yeah that could be a possibility also..

aka123 08-21-2014 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by CyberSEO (Post 20199522)
Not quite correct. I think that natural resources is more a course than an advantage for Russia. They allow the thieves like Putin and his gangsta friends to rip-off my country and move the money to the West. Hell, even their kids live on the West. They (the thieves like Putin and Co) are not interested in development of Russia. The only thing they want is short money to steal and run.

Putin will probably be in power for the next 10-20 years, as a president or with some puppet president. Putin wants to rule, that is what he wants.

just a punk 08-21-2014 05:53 AM

He won't be able to. Because he is old and stupid.

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