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baddog 06-06-2018 10:11 AM

Trump has gone too far
When will it stop?


dyna mo 06-06-2018 10:16 AM

what do you mean "trump has gone too far"?

are you referring to this part of the article you linked-

"But a protectionist trade policy being pursued by President Donald Trump poses a threat to the otherwise rosy economic outlook."


beerptrol 06-06-2018 10:18 AM

Tell me again how he was going to get tough on china. Oh wait. They paid him off, so he has to get tough on our allies instead

He has to help save those chinese jobs!

The politically sensitive goods trade deficit with China increased 8.1 percent to $28.0 billion in April. The deficit with Mexico narrowed 29.8 percent to $5.7 billion in April. The United States had a $0.8 billion goods trade deficit with Canada in April.

2MuchMark 06-06-2018 10:27 AM

LOL! The man lies to you constantly, Baddog, and you do nothing but lap it up.

Rochard 06-06-2018 10:32 AM

LOL. The same source - CNBC - is warning Trump's tariffs can bring us back into a recession.


Robbie 06-06-2018 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by beerptrol (Post 22282602)
Tell me again how he was going to get tough on china. Oh wait. They paid him off, so he has to get tough on our allies instead

The whole point of "Getting Tough" with China was to get them to negotiate a fair deal.

I know that you know that. But since you hate Trump you pretend that you don't understand that and just go on the attack.
Man, that has to be wearying to you to always be angry about Trump no matter what.

China has come to the table and has made big concessions. Of course....they are still trying to be sneaky and find ways to fuck us. Can't blame them there. EVERY country does that.
And that is the point Trump was making all along.

All the other countries have been taking advantage of us economically...including our MILITARY allies.

Just because we are allies with a country doesn't mean we should bend over and take it in the ass.

I'll bitch slap a friend for stealing from me just as quickly as I would an enemy. Wouldn't you?

It's called "common sense".

And yeah...we all get it: Anti-Trump people hate Trump no matter what. It's boring at this point.

And now it's just stupid when the media and other anti-Trump people get "outraged" and feign ignorance of how negotiating tactics work.

Everything isn't a "trade war"...it's a starting point for negotiating better trade deals.

Think about that. A few weeks ago they were all screaming that Trump was going to ruin us in a "trade war" with China.
And now look at you...screaming that Trump is too "soft" on China.

For fuck's sake...

RyuLion 06-06-2018 11:01 AM

I'm glad I don't watch the news..

PR_Glen 06-06-2018 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 22282614)
The whole point of "Getting Tough" with China was to get them to negotiate a fair deal.

I know that you know that. But since you hate Trump you pretend that you don't understand that and just go on the attack.
Man, that has to be wearying to you to always be angry about Trump no matter what.

China has come to the table and has made big concessions. Of course....they are still trying to be sneaky and find ways to fuck us. Can't blame them there. EVERY country does that.
And that is the point Trump was making all along.

All the other countries have been taking advantage of us economically...including our MILITARY allies.

Just because we are allies with a country doesn't mean we should bend over and take it in the ass.

I'll bitch slap a friend for stealing from me just as quickly as I would an enemy. Wouldn't you?

It's called "common sense".

And yeah...we all get it: Anti-Trump people hate Trump no matter what. It's boring at this point.

And now it's just stupid when the media and other anti-Trump people get "outraged" and feign ignorance of how negotiating tactics work.

Everything isn't a "trade war"...it's a starting point for negotiating better trade deals.

Think about that. A few weeks ago they were all screaming that Trump was going to ruin us in a "trade war" with China.
And now look at you...screaming that Trump is too "soft" on China.

For fuck's sake...

Your nation has been exploiting our oil for decades now. 40% of your oil imports come from us. We also got talked into using your refineries instead of rebuilding our own under the guise of 'healthy trade' which basically created a redundant process of us having to buy back our own refined gas from you at a higher rate and essentially why our gas prices are double yours. a chunk of that is taxes, sure, but if it wasn't for refineries ours would be closer to yours if not less.

Trade is not black and white. Not every nation is taking advantage of you. Most allied nations are trying to work with your nation, both the good and the bad. But your current president only see's things one sided.

dyna mo 06-06-2018 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by PR_Glen (Post 22282709)
Your nation has been exploiting our oil for decades now. 40% of your oil imports come from us. We also got talked into using your refineries instead of rebuilding our own under the guise of 'healthy trade' which basically created a redundant process of us having to buy back our own refined gas from you at a higher rate and essentially why our gas prices are double yours. a chunk of that is taxes, sure, but if it wasn't for refineries ours would be closer to yours if not less.

Trade is not black and white. Not every nation is taking advantage of you. Most allied nations are trying to work with your nation, both the good and the bad. But your current president only see's things one sided.

USA uses 20 million barrels of oil per day. we import ~5000 barrels of oil from canada per day.

we're doing CA a favor buying your dirty oil and refining it for you.

dyna mo 06-06-2018 02:16 PM


we only import ~3500 barrels of dirty CA sand oil into USA per day and refine it for CA.


beerptrol 06-06-2018 02:18 PM

How many deals has he pulled the USA out of and how many did he renegotiate better terms?

He can't negotiate shit and is more interested in a culture war and destroying the country. He's going to keep hammering the NFL to rally his base because the tax cuts didn't do shit to help the working man. Mean while lining his pockets with russian and chinese money

CaptainHowdy 06-06-2018 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by RyuLion (Post 22282619)
I'm glad I don't watch the news..

Rochard 06-06-2018 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 22282614)
The whole point of "Getting Tough" with China was to get them to negotiate a fair deal.

I know that you know that. But since you hate Trump you pretend that you don't understand that and just go on the attack.
Man, that has to be wearying to you to always be angry about Trump no matter what.

China has come to the table and has made big concessions. Of course....they are still trying to be sneaky and find ways to fuck us. Can't blame them there. EVERY country does that.
And that is the point Trump was making all along.

All the other countries have been taking advantage of us economically...including our MILITARY allies.

Just because we are allies with a country doesn't mean we should bend over and take it in the ass.

I'll bitch slap a friend for stealing from me just as quickly as I would an enemy. Wouldn't you?

It's called "common sense".

And yeah...we all get it: Anti-Trump people hate Trump no matter what. It's boring at this point.

And now it's just stupid when the media and other anti-Trump people get "outraged" and feign ignorance of how negotiating tactics work.

Everything isn't a "trade war"...it's a starting point for negotiating better trade deals.

Think about that. A few weeks ago they were all screaming that Trump was going to ruin us in a "trade war" with China.
And now look at you...screaming that Trump is too "soft" on China.

For fuck's sake...

So a year an a half in and how many deals has he negotiated? Six? Three? One? LOL. None. Trump has yet to negotiate one single deal to date. All he has accomplished is pissing off our very best allies.

Trump wants to get tough on China? LOL. He handed them a massive win when Trump walked away from the TTP.

ruff 06-06-2018 02:36 PM

"US trade deficit falls to a seven-month low" Well then, isn't this the perfect time to start a trade war? Stupid Winning.

OneHungLo 06-06-2018 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by beerptrol (Post 22282714)
How many deals has he pulled the USA out of and how many did he renegotiate better terms?

He can't negotiate shit and is more interested in a culture war and destroying the country. He's going to keep hammering the NFL to rally his base because the tax cuts didn't do shit to help the working man. Mean while lining his pockets with russian and chinese money

What it like to wake up everyday to a great country that's growing and actually prospering under Donald Trump?


TheSquealer 06-06-2018 04:23 PM


dyna mo 06-06-2018 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22282744)
What it like to wake up everyday to a great country that's growing and actually prospering under Donald Trump?



TheSquealer 06-06-2018 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22282606)
LOL! The man lies to you constantly, Baddog, and you do nothing but lap it up.

People voted for someone that would not speak like a politician, they also voted for jobs, immigration, the economy, the stock market, trade and a few other things. Those things are doing great. I'm sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that you haven't noticed.

you voted for.... oh wait,..... thats right.

Robbie 06-06-2018 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by PR_Glen (Post 22282709)
But your current president only see's things one sided.

Which is EXACTLY what your nation and every other nation's leaders have done all along.
As Trump said...he doesn't blame your country or any other. He blames OUR leaders for allowing shit to happen.

Let me tell you Glen...the day your leader tells you anything BUT the fact he is looking out for the best interests of his citizens...then you are fucked.

Our leaders have been doing that for decades. Fucking our own citizens.
Trump is only doing what your leader and every other smart leader around the world have always done.

2MuchMark 06-06-2018 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22282744)
What it like to wake up everyday to a great country that's growing and actually prospering under Donald Trump?


Things like Economic Growth & the Down Jones were rising under Obama too. The US unemployment rate was also falling under Obama. Do you give Obama credit for anything? Or did all of this magically happen since 2016?

Also : Minimum wage WAS going up under Obama but seems to have stalled under Trump, and the US Trade deficit under Trump is getting bad, fast.

Source : https://www.bbc.com/news/business-42748243

Bladewire 06-06-2018 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by TheSquealer (Post 22282752)
People voted for someone that would not speak like a politician, they also voted for jobs, immigration, the economy, the stock market, trade and a few other things. Those things are doing great. I'm sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that you haven't noticed.

you voted for.... oh wait,..... thats right.

They were doing great before Trump as well #ThanksObama

Oh wait, you think the economy was shit until the day Trump took office don't you?

How do you like Trump's inflation this last year?

1) The cost of food is up 3% this last year.

2) The price of gas has increased 37%

3) Wages have only increased 4.5% in the last year, and unless you got a raise, that doesn't include you.

4) The feds say they will increase interest rates 3 times this year. So we'll all be paying more for interest on loans and credit cards.

So under Obama, gas was cheaper, food was cheaper, interest rates were lower and the national minimum wage was raised.

OneHungLo 06-06-2018 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22282777)
Things like Economic Growth & the Down Jones were rising under Obama too. The US unemployment rate was also falling under Obama. Do you give Obama credit for anything? Or did all of this magically happen since 2016?

Also : Minimum wage WAS going up under Obama but seems to have stalled under Trump, and the US Trade deficit under Trump is getting bad, fast.

Source : https://www.bbc.com/news/business-42748243

I ask this but can never get an answer.


As far as i'm concerned most of the growth was from QE and the bailouts.

And the stock market has been pretty flat the last few years prior to Trump getting elected.

Bladewire 06-06-2018 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22282780)
I ask this but can never get an answer.


As far as i'm concerned most of the growth was from QE and the bailouts.

And the stock market has been pretty flat the last few years prior to Trump getting elected.

You ask the same fucking thing every fucking day that has been explained to you every fucking day for the last 2 years.

There's only so many times you can pretend not to know the answer to a question that's been answered with links and graphs and graphics constantly for you here. If you honestly don't know you can fuck off and if you're just trying to troll and waste people's time you can fuck off as well :321GFY

OneHungLo 06-06-2018 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22282781)
You ask the same fucking thing every fucking day that has been explained to you every fucking day for the last 2 years.

There's only so many times you can pretend not to know the answer to a question that's been answered with links and graphs and graphics constantly for you here. If you honestly don't know you can fuck off and if you're just trying to troll and waste people's time you can fuck off as well :321GFY

^^^ this is what i'm talking about. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

Bladewire 06-06-2018 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22282783)
^^^ this is what i'm talking about. :1orglaugh:1orglaugh

This has been explained to you almost on a daily basis over the last 2 year here you're just trolling & playing stupid.

OneHungLo 06-06-2018 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by 2MuchMark (Post 22282777)
Also : Minimum wage WAS going up under Obama but seems to have stalled under Trump, and the US Trade deficit under Trump is getting bad, fast.

Source : https://www.bbc.com/news/business-42748243

Mark the trade deficit has been shit all along because of the dipshit politicians we've had negotiating them. Wait till Trump is done then you can criticize. There's only one way for them to go..they can't get any worse.

OneHungLo 06-06-2018 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Bladewire (Post 22282785)
This has been explained to you almost on a daily basis over the last 2 year here you're just trolling & playing stupid.

Again, deflecting. Give me the answer. What tax policies, business regulations anything that Obama did to spur economic growth besides bailouts and QE that were already set up by GW?

Grapesoda 06-06-2018 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 22282614)
The whole point of "Getting Tough" with China was to get them to negotiate a fair deal.

I know that you know that. But since you hate Trump you pretend that you don't understand that and just go on the attack.
Man, that has to be wearying to you to always be angry about Trump no matter what.

China has come to the table and has made big concessions. Of course....they are still trying to be sneaky and find ways to fuck us. Can't blame them there. EVERY country does that.
And that is the point Trump was making all along.

All the other countries have been taking advantage of us economically...including our MILITARY allies.

Just because we are allies with a country doesn't mean we should bend over and take it in the ass.

I'll bitch slap a friend for stealing from me just as quickly as I would an enemy. Wouldn't you?

It's called "common sense".

And yeah...we all get it: Anti-Trump people hate Trump no matter what. It's boring at this point.

And now it's just stupid when the media and other anti-Trump people get "outraged" and feign ignorance of how negotiating tactics work.

Everything isn't a "trade war"...it's a starting point for negotiating better trade deals.

Think about that. A few weeks ago they were all screaming that Trump was going to ruin us in a "trade war" with China.
And now look at you...screaming that Trump is too "soft" on China.

For fuck's sake...

Robbie no use chatting these guys. they are morally bankrupt and view people as objects only to further their social agendas and like Muslims, it's perfectly okay to lie and make up stores to the uninitiated.

if you'll notice 90% or more of the rhetoric is geared to dehumanizing others while insinuating their moral and personal failures are corrupting the country.

Grapesoda 06-06-2018 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 22282721)
So a year an a half in and how many deals has he negotiated? Six? Three? One? LOL. None. Trump has yet to negotiate one single deal to date. All he has accomplished is pissing off our very best allies.

Trump wants to get tough on China? LOL. He handed them a massive win when Trump walked away from the TTP.

bro walk away from the TMZ politics and read the business section... you can read right? ... you'll have a better idea of how the world is staking out and the good things trumps is doing for the US... you always run your mouth about being a marine... well open your fucking eyes and see what's going on in YOUR country..

that is unless your like a bitch and love the emotional drama, the ups and downs of the media bullshit with trump. like you are an active player... WTF dude... I hear the ghetto sisters play that shit when I shoot them.... like they are personal friends with drake and latisha fatass... what a fuckin joke dude. :2 cents:

adultchatpay 06-06-2018 06:08 PM

Vote for an actress/celebrity next election. You will be saved!

slapass 06-07-2018 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 22282758)
Which is EXACTLY what your nation and every other nation's leaders have done all along.
As Trump said...he doesn't blame your country or any other. He blames OUR leaders for allowing shit to happen.

Let me tell you Glen...the day your leader tells you anything BUT the fact he is looking out for the best interests of his citizens...then you are fucked.

Our leaders have been doing that for decades. Fucking our own citizens.
Trump is only doing what your leader and every other smart leader around the world have always done.

And yet the countries with the highest standard of living etc are some of the most generous on the planet. Sort of weird.

pimpmaster9000 06-07-2018 05:40 AM

oh its going baller...6 trillion federal budget deficit...but shit is booming...now that those taxes are lower expect shit to just boom even more :thumbsup

ruff 06-07-2018 09:13 AM

Yeah, great stuff until... it isn't. tRump is a fuckup so don't be surprised when he fucks everything up. Stupid winning.

dyna mo 06-07-2018 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by crucifissio (Post 22282928)
oh its going baller...6 trillion federal budget deficit...but shit is booming...now that those taxes are lower expect shit to just boom even more :thumbsup

exclaims the wannabe btc baller.

:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

TheSquealer 06-07-2018 09:43 AM

Outgoing Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz rips Democrats for veering too far left: 'How are we going to pay for these things?'

""I think we got to get away from these falsehoods and start talking about the truth and not false promises" said Schultz, whose Monday announcement that he's stepping down as executive chairman of Starbucks is driving speculation that he may run for president in the 2020 election."

"I think the greatest threat domestically to the country is this $21 trillion debt hanging over the cloud of America and future generations," Schultz said. "The only way we're going to get out of that is we've got to grow the economy, in my view, 4 percent or greater. And then we have to go after entitlements."


OneHungLo 06-07-2018 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by slapass (Post 22282914)
And yet the countries with the highest standard of living etc are some of the most generous on the planet. Sort of weird.

Yeah I guess that would be those Northern European countries that are mostly full of whites. Damn those evil whites!!

dyna mo 06-07-2018 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by OneHungLo (Post 22283085)
Yeah I guess that would be those Northern European countries that are mostly full of whites. Damn those evil whites!!

I was thinking about his post, the USA is currently the 2nd most giving country on the planet and we've consistently been either the first or second most giving country on the planet for quite a while.

pimpmaster9000 06-07-2018 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22283087)
I was thinking about his post, the USA is currently the 2nd most giving country on the planet and we've consistently been either the first or second most giving country on the planet for quite a while.

fuck off :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

the USA does not give, it bribes and lines its own pockets...I have explained to you already how your "aid" works...everything possible about the US government is a scam...fuck off with your "aid" :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

dyna mo 06-07-2018 10:17 AM

you need some spare change and mad no one in USA cares, i know.

i know you just lost ~.50c USD on your big btc june 6th play.


pimpmaster9000 06-07-2018 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22283094)
you need some spare change and mad no one in USA cares, i know.

i know you just lost ~.50c USD on your big btc june 6th play.


maybe by "giving country" you mean bombs and economic terrorism? :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

your government is the cancer of the earth :thumbsup

dyna mo 06-07-2018 10:24 AM

your sad life has no impact on anything. especially the fact that the USA is historically one of the most giving nations on the planet.

june 6 btc baller.


pimpmaster9000 06-07-2018 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22283100)
your sad life has no impact on anything. especially the fact that the USA is historically one of the most giving nations on the planet.

june 6 btc baller.


yes you give a lot of bombs and war :thumbsup

the bill will come due one day....it always does :thumbsup

dyna mo 06-07-2018 10:28 AM

you need some spare change to pay your internet cafe bill?

mineistaken 06-07-2018 10:46 AM

Can you take this much winning, USA?

OneHungLo 06-07-2018 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by dyna mo (Post 22283046)
exclaims the wannabe btc baller.

:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh :1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh

You were't here but back last year when Bitcoin was taking off he was in every thread calling people suckers and calling cryptos "fart-in-the-jar" coins. Then, no soon after that he was a bitcoin barron giving astute technical analysis on btc chart patterns :1orglaugh

The guy biggest phoney on here.

Robbie 06-07-2018 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by slapass (Post 22282914)
And yet the countries with the highest standard of living etc are some of the most generous on the planet. Sort of weird.

Being generous is not the same as getting ripped off on trade deals.
Not sure why that even crossed your mind.

crockett 12-12-2018 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 22282614)
The whole point of "Getting Tough" with China was to get them to negotiate a fair deal.

I know that you know that. But since you hate Trump you pretend that you don't understand that and just go on the attack.
Man, that has to be wearying to you to always be angry about Trump no matter what.

China has come to the table and has made big concessions. Of course....they are still trying to be sneaky and find ways to fuck us. Can't blame them there. EVERY country does that.
And that is the point Trump was making all along.

All the other countries have been taking advantage of us economically...including our MILITARY allies.

Just because we are allies with a country doesn't mean we should bend over and take it in the ass.

I'll bitch slap a friend for stealing from me just as quickly as I would an enemy. Wouldn't you?

It's called "common sense".

And yeah...we all get it: Anti-Trump people hate Trump no matter what. It's boring at this point.

And now it's just stupid when the media and other anti-Trump people get "outraged" and feign ignorance of how negotiating tactics work.

Everything isn't a "trade war"...it's a starting point for negotiating better trade deals.

Think about that. A few weeks ago they were all screaming that Trump was going to ruin us in a "trade war" with China.
And now look at you...screaming that Trump is too "soft" on China.

For fuck's sake...

^^^^ speaking of rosey outlooks...

Bladewire 12-12-2018 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Robbie (Post 22283128)
Being generous is not the same as getting ripped off on trade deals.
Not sure why that even crossed your mind.

Trump has been very generous to China

Why is Trump giving China what they want? Secret payoff to Trump? We know Trump lives his secret payoffs :thumbsup

Record imports push U.S. trade deficit to record $55.5 billion

Rochard 12-12-2018 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by baddog (Post 22282594)






marlboroack 12-12-2018 02:21 PM

I don't get why people waste their time with this stuff

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