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onlyleaks 08-06-2024 05:52 AM

Selling 2 websites | SPECIAL PACKAGE + REDDIT
Hello, good gentleman's :)

The time has come. I'm selling my 2 websites.
Both websites are in the "leaked content" niche. The main website is an adult-tube while the 2nd website is a photo gallery website.

Website #1 - 3500-4000 unique daily users, DA 14, PA 22, half a million backlinks. 50% of traffic is organic, 30% comes from backlinks, 20% comes from social and other sources. At this moment, the website has 15,000 indexed links, which grow day-by-day. I also have users which post around 200-300 unique videos per day.

Website #2 - 200 unique daily users, DA 1, PA 5, 2000 quality backlinks. 50% of traffic is organic, 50% comes from WEBSITE #1. At this moment, the website has 500 indexed links, which grow day-by-day.

Those 2 websites work together. Website #1 is for videos, Website #2 is for pics. I bounce the traffic between them and I double the earnings :) Along with 2 website, I will provide a small Reddit Community (around 200 members). Monthly cost is around 20 USD and the earnings are 10x bigger than that.

If you are interested, contact me at dnztube01 at gmail dot com.

zontu 12-16-2024 06:21 AM

Hi, still available for sale?

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