GoFuckYourself.com - Adult Webmaster Forum

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-   Sell and Buy Forum (https://gfy.com/forumdisplay.php?f=35)
-   -   New Buy and Sell Forum Rules... Infractions will equal deleted posts (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=1121166)

MrDeiz 09-18-2013 07:46 AM

fiddy new buy and sells

The Duck 09-18-2013 11:23 AM

Lol, I'm fucked :)

georgeyw 09-18-2013 11:38 AM

Thank you Eric.

Could you please delete they pullmebackin threads as he just bumped 9 of his shitty threads

Jolene_Devil 09-18-2013 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by georgeyw (Post 19804525)
Thank you Eric.

Could you please delete they pullmebackin threads as he just bumped 9 of his shitty threads

LoL Does look a bit excessive, eh? Don't wanna screw it up for anyone else...just hope nobody else does either.

MrDeiz 09-19-2013 01:39 AM

TheyPullMeBackIn definitely isn't aware of new rules. should be the first victim :2 cents:

Klen 09-19-2013 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by MrDeiz (Post 19805310)
TheyPullMeBackIn definitely isn't aware of new rules. should be the first victim :2 cents:

Yeah let the which burn :1orglaugh

DavieVegas 09-20-2013 01:11 PM

This is not a good way to go about this at all. I do not want to put everything i am selling in 1 thread. 90% of the time people on gfy do not look daily for threads about things they want. Sometimes it takes them a week before they look and by that time, the threads are gone. This will make selling/buying impossible on here. Its already slower then in years past. Goodbye to using gfy for any biz now that these rules are put in. id rather see a user trusted system where people can post what they want as long as nothing malicious has happened in the past etc. More quality posts of things people are selling then quantity

Naughty-Pages 09-20-2013 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by DavieVegas (Post 19807185)
I do not want to put everything i am selling in 1 thread..... This will make selling/buying impossible on here.

ya, i agree with you there... i can understand limiting it all to one post if the product that is being offered is basically the same... but if they are totally different, then that is just not going to help anyone..

for example if you are a content seller and you are just selling content all in the same niche then one topic would be perfect...but if you are selling hot sexy teen girl content plus you also sell gay shit and you do custom work, i would think that those should all be in 3 separate topics which would be for everyone's benefit, both the seller and the buyer..

kinda waiting on Eric to reply to some of the posts made here, we will see what he says..

Pornflix 09-20-2013 01:42 PM

I still think that separate forums is by far the best way to go about this.
Maybe not Subforums like I first suggested but actually separate the Buy and Sell forum into several forums.
  • Buy and Sell Forum - Content
  • Buy and Sell Forum - Domains
  • Buy and Sell Forum - Traffic
  • Buy and Sell Forum - Other Services

Allow 1 bump once a day or in a 48hr period.
Also it would be good to allow members to close their threads once their items are no longer available.


Klen 09-20-2013 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Pornflix (Post 19807225)
I still think that separate forums is by far the best way to go about this.
Maybe not Subforums like I first suggested but actually separate the Buy and Sell forum into several forums.
  • Buy and Sell Forum - Content
  • Buy and Sell Forum - Domains
  • Buy and Sell Forum - Traffic
  • Buy and Sell Forum - Other Services

Allow 1 bump once a day or in a 48hr period.
Also it would be good to allow members to close their threads once their items are no longer available.


Yeah,iam quite sure how in this case you would not even need to bump in other sections which are not content and domains.It would be fun to call section domain "shitty reg domains" instead domains since 99% of are reg fee domains anyway :)

Fat Panda 09-20-2013 03:24 PM

the only people bitching are the fucking SPAMMERS

mods don't relent...fuck these spammers, enforce the rules and start DELETING their threads!

Naughty-Pages 09-20-2013 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by KlenTelaris (Post 19807314)
It would be fun to call section domain "shitty reg domains" instead domains since 99% of are reg fee domains anyway :)

Actually, as funny as it sounds, that would be cool.. lol.. a lot of people have shitty domains they want to get rid of.. i have a ton (years ago i was buying up webmasters sites as they went out of business or threw in the towel and alot of them were package deals.. take all 20 sites when i only wanted a couple). And besides, they sometimes do have some value depending on what you want to do with them and "one man's trash is another man's treasure".. lmao


Originally Posted by Fat Panda (Post 19807323)
the only people bitching are the fucking SPAMMERS

mods don't relent...fuck these spammers, enforce the rules and start DELETING their threads!

Yes mods, please take the advice from a guy who claims "porn is dead", domains are dead, "every program shaves", "NOBODY sells traffic that converts... etc... etc.. and who's posts are antagonistically negative and counter-productive an overwhelming majority of the time... ;)

LOL, I am sure most of your posts are just an attempt at sarcasm :drinkup , but if people actually took any of your advice seriously, there would be no one left in business. :1orglaugh

MrDeiz 09-20-2013 11:53 PM

lol, people are continuing to spam like nothing changed
Eric, have you even checked the forum?

Pornflix 09-21-2013 10:04 AM

I cant ever remember seeing 3 days of post on page 1, that's what it is at this moment.
Just as I feared, the activity is starting to dry up and it will only get worse.


Naughty-Pages 09-21-2013 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Pornflix (Post 19807950)
I cant ever remember seeing 3 days of post on page 1, that's what it is at this moment.
Just as I feared, the activity is starting to dry up and it will only get worse.


and that is with some people still bumping.. but it's not entirely a bad thing, at least those posts are getting more exposure vs being buried to page 3 within a few hours. (which ironically ends up eliminating some of the need to bump)

maybe after Eric looks at some of our posts and answers some of our questions he will tweak the new rules a bit.... like sub forums, different posts for different categories, and allowing bumping a bit more than 1x a month (maybe 2x a month or weekly..)

3xmedia 09-21-2013 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Pornflix (Post 19807950)
I cant ever remember seeing 3 days of post on page 1, that's what it is at this moment.
Just as I feared, the activity is starting to dry up and it will only get worse.


besides those spammers bumping 15 of their shitty domain/content threads on a daily basis, the activity is the same.

...and if a thread stays on the main page for 3 days, then good for you, you don't need to bump it, so I'm not sure what you are complaining about.

Pornflix 09-21-2013 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by zdeneczek (Post 19808011)
besides those spammers bumping 15 of their shitty domain/content threads on a daily basis, the activity is the same.

...and if a thread stays on the main page for 3 days, then good for you, you don't need to bump it, so I'm not sure what you are complaining about.

What I am complaining about is if the activity gets worse regardless if my post stays on page 1 forever is if the forum starts to look dead people will stop coming around.

If all they see is the same post sitting in the same position forever and not much new activity (or the appearance of activity) then buyers will stop looking, sellers will then stop posting.
Its a slippery slope.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? :winkwink:

robwod 09-21-2013 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Pornflix (Post 19808044)
If all they see is the same post sitting in the same position forever and not much new activity (or the appearance of activity) then buyers will stop looking, sellers will then stop posting.

I'd argue a "bump" is not "new" activity nor is selling one domain per thread, or the same set of links re-packaged multiple times into different salesmanship angles.

For weeks, even months, every time I looked in there, the same list of threads would be there over and over (or some variation of the same content/domain/links etc for sale, just creatively worded differently). In the end, the forum was nothing but clutter and spam, and endless bumping -- more especially by a few specific people.

One thing I noticed was that people I used to see offering stuff basically seemed to give up as even sellers were getting tired of dealing with the bumping and multiple threads for the same/similar stuff. The result of that nonsense seems to be fewer sellers now than there used to be.

The actual content is the same from what I can see, just now it's not full of useless bumping and endless threads on every little item.

I said it earlier... but if it were up to me, there would be no bumping allowed at all. And if someone "needs" more than one thread or needs it at the top of the forum, I think Eric should charge them a listing fee like any other sponsor does on this board (paying for a sticky).

Frankly, I think it's amazing how so many people complain about a forum provided to them for free -- in which they can make money -- and still want more without paying for it.

robwod 09-21-2013 04:22 PM

@Pornflix: just a little clarification, my post above was not directed at you personally. Rather, it merely reflects the observations I hold regarding how a free forum was used/abused (?) to the point it became clutter.

Pornflix 09-21-2013 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by robwod (Post 19808159)
I said it earlier... but if it were up to me, there would be no bumping allowed at all. And if someone "needs" more than one thread or needs it at the top of the forum, I think Eric should charge them a listing fee like any other sponsor does on this board (paying for a sticky).

So you are saying I can make a thread but I can never bump it again?
My thread in time will just fade away, then what? Do I recreate the same thread again and again after the allotted time has allowed me too?
That doesn't make sense.


Originally Posted by robwod (Post 19808159)
Frankly, I think it's amazing how so many people complain about a forum provided to them for free -- in which they can make money -- and still want more without paying for it.

First off, a forum usually makes money on its sponsored ads.
The more traffic, the more money.

But that aside, lets talk about paying for more threads.

In another forum I post in they allow 2 Active Free threads in the Sell and Buy area at any one time to members.
If you want to create another thread you then have Close one of your two threads (closing threads would need to be allowed)

If a member wants to post 4 threads at any one time they pay $5 a month or $40 a year.
If a member wants to post 6 threads at any one time they pay $10 a month or $80 a year.

Once again, to post a new thread after you have reached you maximum thread count you would need to close one of your threads (again, closing threads would need to be allowed)

I pay the $40 a year in the other forum and I always have 4 active threads.

They also allow 1 bump every 24hrs, if the bump is less then 24hrs it gets deleted.
Now, if I am paying for my threads then i should be allowed to bump them once ever 24hrs.
You can put more bumping restrictions on the members with Free threads.

This method along with separate Sell and Buy forums or Subforums for domains, content and everything else would solve a lot of problems and generate more revenue for GFY.

A Win Win for everybody


Pornflix 09-21-2013 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by robwod (Post 19808192)
@Pornflix: just a little clarification, my post above was not directed at you personally. Rather, it merely reflects the observations I hold regarding how a free forum was used/abused (?) to the point it became clutter.

That's cool :cool-as-a

MrDeiz 09-22-2013 04:49 AM

Pornflix stop bringing all the bullshit
i'm tired of your shit and other spamwhores, it was impossible to read that section, hard to track worthy deals among your shit

now it's clean and 100% business
stfu and find some other place for spamming if you don't like how it's now

Naughty-Pages 09-22-2013 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Pornflix (Post 19808044)
What I am complaining about is if the activity gets worse regardless if my post stays on page 1 forever is if the forum starts to look dead people will stop coming around.

Well I guess you could always just post in the wrong forum then:



Pornflix 09-22-2013 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by MrDeiz (Post 19808461)
Pornflix stop bringing all the bullshit
i'm tired of your shit and other spamwhores, it was impossible to read that section, hard to track worthy deals among your shit

now it's clean and 100% business
stfu and find some other place for spamming if you don't like how it's now

Why dont you kiss my ass :Kissmy
We get it, you hate domainers thats all you bitch about.

Technically every post that offers something for sell is Spam!
Evey time you make a post MrDeiz you are spamming, you have 8,061 fucking post here at GFY all with links in your signature where you are selling something, that makes you just as much as spamwhore as anyone else if not more.

So get off you fucking high horse.
I don't ever go into the Fucking Around forum and try sell stuff like others do.
If we had separate forums with domainers having their own forum then you would never have to look at another domainer again, then what the fuck would you bitch about?


Eric 09-23-2013 04:18 PM

Sorry guys for the delayed response. My attention was focused one face to face meetings while in Amsterdam, so my ability to answer some of your questions here was a bit limited.

As far as the question about creating threads for content. The idea there is that if you have 200 sets of teen content, you are not creating 200 threads. If you have teen content, gay content, MILF content, etc. Then different threads will be allowed.

As stated several times in this thread, the bump limitations are strict due to the fact that so many people were abusing the long leash that was allowed in this forum. So now you guys get to have a much tighter leash. Behave yourselves, and that leash will see some loosening in the near future.

MrDeiz 09-24-2013 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Eric (Post 19810014)
Sorry guys for the delayed response. My attention was focused one face to face meetings while in Amsterdam, so my ability to answer some of your questions here was a bit limited.

As far as the question about creating threads for content. The idea there is that if you have 200 sets of teen content, you are not creating 200 threads. If you have teen content, gay content, MILF content, etc. Then different threads will be allowed.

As stated several times in this thread, the bump limitations are strict due to the fact that so many people were abusing the long leash that was allowed in this forum. So now you guys get to have a much tighter leash. Behave yourselves, and that leash will see some loosening in the near future.

so far so good
how many posts have you deleted or how many users have you warned/banned?

[DanteS] 09-24-2013 06:20 AM

What if I have one thread in the Sell/Buy section and one in Business Services? Am I allowed to bump only one of those two per month? Or are these new rules restricted to Sell/Buy only?

fris 09-24-2013 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Eric (Post 19799786)
I am going to keep this simple.

If you are selling something you can post a thread about it.

1) If you are selling multiple items (Domains, Content sets, Blog Posts, Hardlinks, etc) all items should be placed in one thread. Multiple threads from the same user or the same company will result in the removal of all threads

2) You may bump ONE of your own threads per month. Excessive bumps will result in ALL threads being removed.

3) One thread per week per company or user. You have a bunch of things to sell, make one post about it, or wait till next week to sell your next item.

4) One thread per month per company or user for similar items. You may make one thread per month selling domains, content sets, blog posts, hardlinks, etc. Violation of this rule will result in the removal of all threads.

5) All other GFY rules must be followed in this section as well.

If you have any questions about the rules, ask them in this thread.

good move on the no bumping, you get people bumping their own thread 20+ times.

also sorry about the pm / email reply issue ;)

PSD 09-24-2013 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Eric (Post 19810014)
As far as the question about creating threads for content. The idea there is that if you have 200 sets of teen content, you are not creating 200 threads. If you have teen content, gay content, MILF content, etc. Then different threads will be allowed.

Ok, so does that also mean if you have 200 teen domains you are not creating 200 threads but if you have teen domains, gay domains, MILF domains, etc. Then the different threads will be allowed?

Alt76 09-25-2013 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Eric (Post 19810014)
Question and Offer for ERIC

What do you think about?
I've got some questions and suggestions.

1.Can I answer if people will ask a question in a topic? Or will it be a bump?
2. What can I do if I have new information on the topic? For example: price reduced by 10% or appeared 20k free for sale traffic, etc? Or will it be a bump?
3. I can`t edit the topic subject and first message and fix what has changed, say the amount of traffic on sale, number websites, etc. It is necessary to change.

My Offers:
Set a limit to bump the current posts: Once a week.
Set a limit at new posts in the topic. for example: 1-3 new post in week. This will include topics with different themes. Simular topics will be deleted.
For example people has created topics:
Sale mobile traffic
Sale links
Sale banner
And just updates the information maximum only once a week.
New topic which will be different to those can be created in one by week.
In this case, everything will be automated. And everyone will be satisfied. Plus you haven`t spam. And a lot of work on the abuse!

Fat Panda 09-25-2013 10:01 AM

mods its time to start deleting spammers threads and BANNING the parasites posting stuff for sale in the main forum !!!

NaughtyRob 09-25-2013 12:35 PM

This pretty much kills this section.

Fat Panda 09-25-2013 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by NaughtyRob (Post 19812323)
This pretty much kills this section.

wrong. the new rules have fixed buy/sell

a handful of reg fee domain spammers and shit content sellers hijacked buy/sell and they now have been castrated

Pornflix 09-25-2013 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by NaughtyRob (Post 19812323)
This pretty much kills this section.

Yep, the forum maybe cleaner but it will also be deader.
Does anyone know how to play Taps?

Klen 09-26-2013 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Pornflix (Post 19812376)
Yep, the forum maybe cleaner but it will also be deader.
Does anyone know how to play Taps?

Quality over Quantity

1080p Content 09-26-2013 01:31 PM

Why there are only 3 browsable pages in the Sell and Buy Forum? I see that the posts are still there if I access for example my own directly, however people coming to the forum won't be able to find them.

In that situation, a post gets buried and hidden after the 3rd page before it is allowed to be bumped withing the allowed 1 month period, so during all the time between is effectively hidden. May be I'm missing something?

DigitalTheory 09-26-2013 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by 1080p Content (Post 19813684)
Why there are only 3 browsable pages in the Sell and Buy Forum?

I think the default only shows a weeks worth of post, which is at 3 pages right now. Right under the page count at the bottom it shows sort options and you can change the time line from a week, to a day or two, onto a few weeks, months, all time, etc.

1080p Content 09-26-2013 02:43 PM

Oh! I see now... not so user intuitive really. Thanks for the clarification ;)

DigitalDesire 09-26-2013 03:16 PM

Works for me.

Eric 09-26-2013 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by MrDeiz (Post 19810619)
so far so good
how many posts have you deleted or how many users have you warned/banned?

So far everyone has been pretty good. A few users banned, no posts deleted.

Eric 09-26-2013 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by [DanteS] (Post 19810644)
What if I have one thread in the Sell/Buy section and one in Business Services? Am I allowed to bump only one of those two per month? Or are these new rules restricted to Sell/Buy only?

Specific to the Buy and Sell forum

CaptainHowdy 09-27-2013 10:05 AM

We love you, Eric ...

[DanteS] 09-28-2013 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Eric (Post 19799786)
I am going to keep this simple.

If you are selling something you can post a thread about it.

1) If you are selling multiple items (Domains, Content sets, Blog Posts, Hardlinks, etc) all items should be placed in one thread. Multiple threads from the same user or the same company will result in the removal of all threads

2) You may bump ONE of your own threads per month. Excessive bumps will result in ALL threads being removed.

3) One thread per week per company or user. You have a bunch of things to sell, make one post about it, or wait till next week to sell your next item.

4) One thread per month per company or user for similar items. You may make one thread per month selling domains, content sets, blog posts, hardlinks, etc. Violation of this rule will result in the removal of all threads.

5) All other GFY rules must be followed in this section as well.

If you have any questions about the rules, ask them in this thread.

What about threads where I am buying/looking for something? Hopefully I don't have to put my "sells" and "buys" into one topic, aye?

Klen 09-30-2013 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Eric (Post 19814117)
So far everyone has been pretty good. A few users banned, no posts deleted.

It would be fun if you would post nicknames :)

Naughty-Pages 09-30-2013 01:34 PM

I guess we are allowed to just post in the main forum now..


and bumping there is permitted too!


C H R I S 10-01-2013 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by NaughtyRob (Post 19812323)
This pretty much kills this section.

I disagree, it was a mess of the same people posts. Now threads that have something valuable and interest from the community will stay on top. It had gotten way out of hand,

Alt76 10-02-2013 01:22 AM


In principle, one topic for a person in a week-this will be enough to avoid a lot of spam in this topic.
It's easy and would solve all the problems, plus can be done automatically.
Or a bump threads a week. One new theme or one bump a week for one user!
I think so, answer on question in topic not be a bump?

What do YOU think?

CIVMatt 10-02-2013 06:20 AM

This is the second greatest thing to happen to this forum.

boneless 10-02-2013 08:47 AM

good move eric, its lot less cluttered up now, saves me around 15 minutes each and every day working my way through the domain content and whatnot for sale.

fitzmulti 10-02-2013 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by [DanteS] (Post 19815184)
What about threads where I am buying/looking for something? Hopefully I don't have to put my "sells" and "buys" into one topic, aye?

Joe from AMA is doing it left and right...so why shouldn't you? ;-)

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