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Old 11-07-2018, 11:21 AM   #1
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New Media Services - Business Process Outsourcing at it's Finest

So I have finally compiled a fairly comprehensive explanation of our top services that we provide...this includes estimated pricing, so you can see where these services may fall into your budgets. There is a lot of information here, but I think this pretty much answer the majority of questions I get asked all the time.
I know this is a LONG post, but I assure you it's good information.
Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any additional questions...I am always at your service


We can offer this in a variety of ways...but typically the client will tell us specifically what they want in each profile.
  • How many photos?
  • Will you provide a template we can follow for creating and filling out profiles...or will we just create them directly from your sites or platform?
  • Will you provide the images for the profiles or do you prefer us to provide the images?
  • Typically we will charge around $3.85 for profiles (we will provide up to 4 copyright images, including 2257) in English language...and this includes images and texts for the profiles. If the profile is non-English language then it would be $4.85 per profile.
  • If you are able to provide all the images then we would only charge you $2.20 per profile. Price may go down slightly depending on volumes (but not by much since it's already quite a low price)
  • You can see samples of profiles we have made by looking at almost all DatingGold websites (amateurmatch.com, casualmilfs.com, cougarsplay.com)
  • You can also see samples on BeNaughty.com in Spain, France, and Italy.
  • You can also take a look at a website we are building for a small affiliate who wants to try testing some of his own dating offers...here is the one we are currently building for him: https://hersexstory.com/

This service varies tremendously with each client...and really depends on your objectives. We have base pricing packages which we typically offer, so I will give you that info for now...but keep in mind it could be a little higher or lower depending on your needs.
  • We usually start with a minimum of $400 per month for any work we do that is 54 hours per month or less...(works out to about $7.50 per hour roughly)
  • If we go over 54 hours per month then the hourly rate will range from $7.50 to $9.50 per hour...and this will depend on the specific social media tasks we perform. General social media and online branding tasks usually stay within the $7.50 per hour range...we typically only charge more if it is more advanced tasks that require more high level skillsets from my team members.

Here is another one of our services that can have many variables...I'll try to explain them all so you can weigh your options.
  • We have a fully managed staff of nearly 1300 team members, and we also cover about 15 different languages...including most of the Tier 1 country languages (except German at the moment)
  • We are essentially the ultimate customer support and call center operation...on top of our wide range of outsourcing services (like some of the ones I mentioned above). Our clients appreciate this because we can handle the majority of your BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) needs all under one roof...and you can't really beat the prices
  • For customer support type of services, first thing we need to know is what sort of customer support do you require.
  • Phone support - we handle all inbound or outbound customer calls: answer questions, handle complaints, process refunds or cancellations, etc.
  • Email support - basically the same type of services as phone support
  • Live Chat - you've probably seen those website that have some kind of built in instant messenger that allows you to chat directly with a support operator.
  • We don't really have a minimum requirement for this, but it will definitely help us to know what sort of daily volumes you might estimate having for calls and emails.
  • How many calls and emails per day...in each language.
  • Which languages will you need?
  • What days and times will you require support...9am to 5pm local time or 24 hours or any other times you prefer...5 days per week or more?
  • Please see the Dropbox link below for a basic breakdown of pricing for our top 4-5 languages. You'll notice the different pricing for calls, email, and chats...and there are also some one-time setup and monthly maintenance fees. Those setup and monthly fees can sometimes be much less once we determine certain things, like if you will be providing the customer support phone numbers or if you want us to provide them...and other little details like that.
  • https://www.dropbox.com/home/NMS%20S... list_2018.pdf

  • This is another type of service we offer majority of our dating clients. It's essentially used as a conversion and retention type of service. Our operators can log into your dating site and act on behalf of any of the profiles. We can have personal and engaging chats with the dating site users with the objective to convert them into paying members...or if they have already paid, then we chat with the objective to keep them paying
  • We also have our own amazing chat platform that we can use via a very simple API connection that allows us to chat on multiple sites at once...and it also helps us to maintain and manage and track all incoming and outgoing chats between my operators and your users. This is by far a more efficient and effective option and costs the same as it would if you had us just logging in directly to your site.
  • Prices for this would range from around $0.10 to $0.15 cent per message...depending on the language. Also if the volumes were very high then the pricing per message could go down a bit.

MODERATION SERVICES (Profiles, Content, Images, Video, Communities, and Chats)
  • This is one of our other popular services that we offer among most dating and webcam sites.
  • This is simply utilizing my team to moderate any profiles to ensure that your users and customers are not uploading or posting anything inappropriate to your sites...images, texts, etc
  • We can offer this at a flat monthly fee, but again, this will vary quite a bit depending on your needs here.
  • Typically the starting rate for this would be around $3500 per month for English speaking...and it can typically go up to as high as $4300 per month depending on languages and amount of time we would be doing the moderations

  • For those of you who have shopped around for SMS messaging and marketing services, you may find that there are many companies out there who limit the amount of messages you can send or they might put restrictions on the type of content you can send or they may not be able to send messages in all the countries you need or they may not provide the type of support you really need...and they are 99% self-serve and automated without any human support, engagement, or intervention whatsoever.
  • So, It really hasn't been ideal until now...The NMS Bulk SMS Messaging and Marketing platform gives you all you need for a successful SMS campaign, and at no extra cost!
  • So, with the NMS Bulk SMS Messaging platform, you can finally have it all...no volume limits, no geographic limits, and 24/7 support that is exceptional and fast!
  • We can offer SMS Messaging and/or Marketing for whatever your needs may be...bulk automated messages, auto-response messaging, timed messaging, and more!
  • We even provide a new service that no one else can offer...which is the ability to now have one of our very own human operators at the other end of the SMS platform. This means you can send out any type of SMS messages or marketing you like, and the end-user can now reply back to the message and one of our support operators will be there to reply in real-time! Customers love this and it massively improves your conversions and retention all through the means of text messaging.
  • Anyways, there is so much more I can go on about, but this is a service that particular gets me excited because of the massive benefits it can bring to businesses just like yours.
Joey 'J-Gabz' Gabra
NMS Productions USA, LLC

[email protected]
Skype: jgabra62
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Old 12-04-2018, 03:02 AM   #2
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Damn that's a long post!
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